Cockpit and HUD details • f-16 photography - F-16.net
F-16D Block 42 back seat cockpit. [Airliners.net photo by Goerg Mader]
F-16战斗机A/B、C/D、E/F/I、V型号之间的区别 - 知乎
fig 8.f-16a-ocu. 经过作战能力升级(ocu)的f-16命名为f-16 block 15-ocu,换装了更可靠的普惠f100-pw-220发动机,加装了alq-131电子对抗吊舱,可以发射aim-120中距空空雷达制导导弹和agm-65小牛空地导弹。仍服役于美国空军的那部分f-16a block 10已更新到ocu配置。 …
图表 15:F-16的头盔瞄准器及抬头显示器 | 先导研报
同时 F-16配备有头盔抬头显示器(HUD),可以在飞行员前方投射视觉飞行和作战信息,而不遮挡视线,保持飞行员头部“出舱外”可以提高飞行员的情境意识。 进一步的飞行和系统信息显示在多功能显示屏(MFD)上。 左侧 MFD是主要飞行显示器(PFD),通常显示雷达和动态地图;右侧 MFD是系统显示器(SD),显示发动机、起落架、缝翼和襟翼设置,以及燃油和武器状态的信息。 最初,F-16A/B采用单色阴极射线管(CRT)显示屏;Block 50/52 型号使用了彩色液晶显 …
“蝰蛇”的秘密(二 家族)——洛克希德F-16“战隼”战斗机(上)
2010年1月5日 · F-16A/B 是“战隼”的第一种生产型,A 是单座型 B 是双座型,除此之外两者基本相同,并且具有相同的性能包线和武器挂载能力。 但是在 F-16 的生产中,USAF 并没有使用以前惯用的批次后缀来定义“战隼”生产过程中的细微改进,例如 F-16A-10-CF、F-16A-15-CF 等。 而是改用生产批次号(Block)、多阶段改进项目阶段(MSIP)、作战能力升级(OCU)等让人眼花缭乱的名称来区别不同批次、不同改进阶段的“战隼”,这也给以后的型号识别造成了困难。 其中的 …
F-16A/B HUD Display Unit (partial) - Rochester Avionics Archive
At least 23 countries have purchased the F-16 in various forms. The HUD system, which at one point seems to have been called the HUDSIGHT by the Company, consisted of a Pilot’s Display Unit (PDU), an Electronics Unit (EU) and a Rate Sensor Unit (RSU). General Dynamics however called it the Fire Control Sight System FCSS.
F-16A/B HUD Pilot's Display Unit - rochesteravionicarchives
At least 23 countries have purchased the F-16 in various forms. The HUD system, which at one point seems to have been called the HUDSIGHT by the Company, consisted of a Pilot’s Display Unit (PDU), an Electronics Unit (EU) and a Rate Sensor Unit (RSU). General Dynamics however called it the Fire Control Sight System FCSS.
F-16 HUD: The Advanced Heads-Up Display System of the …
2025年3月7日 · The F-16 Fighting Falcon is one of the most versatile and widely used fighter jets in the world, and its Heads-Up Display (HUD) plays a crucial role in its fire control system. This display provides pilots with real-time flight data, weapon targeting information, and sensor feedback, ensuring superior situational awareness in combat. Over the ...
F-16战斗机A/B、C/D、E/F/I、V型号之间的区别 - 百度知道
2024年10月13日 · Block 20是按照Block 15-OCU和MLU标准制造的新型F-16A/B,被命名为F-16A/B Block 20。 F-16A ADF 针对防空拦截定位改装的量产型F-16A/B Block 15-PCU,加装了IFF“切鸟器”敌我识别天线、重新设计的垂直稳定器底座和经过改装的雷达。
F-16 AFTI HUD - rochesteravionicarchives
In March 1980, General Dynamics began converting the sixth full scale development F-16A to serve as the technology demonstrator aircraft for the joint Flight Dynamics Laboratory-NASA Advanced Fighter Technology Integration (AFTI) program.