RCS of a F-35 Stealth Aircraft: Statistical Analyses of a POFACETS ...
This paper analyzes the simulated radar cross section (RCS) of the POFACETS F-35 aircraft model versus azimuth and elevation aspect angle. In particular, the RC
Aircraft 101 关于F16 J20 F35 SU57的RCS模拟总结 - 哔哩哔哩
2022年11月29日 · F35总结 从仿真结果可以得出结论,F-35A是一种非常好的隐身设计,只要飞行员能够将对手保持在40°正面弧内,它就能够保持非常低的RCS。 即使没有外皮表面的RAM,也没有前缘和后缘处理,F-35型号也能够在X波段实现仅0.06 m2的中位RCS值,在L波段仅增加到0.13 m2。 外部AIM-9X和挂架似乎对F-35的总RCS的影响可以忽略不计,事实上,在某些情况下,破坏性干扰效应实际上有助于在某些方向上降低RCS值但是,重要的是要注意,F-35在34-35°视线 …
F-35 vs J-20 vs Su-57 Summary – Aircraft 101
2023年1月15日 · Average RCS value of 3 fighters from VHF band to X band. *Note: due to the resonance effect, in VHF band the average RCS of F-35 with wing tip AIM-9X is in fact lower than the average RCS of a clean F-35. This is because the creeping wave return from the AIM-9X caused destructive interference with return from the main F-35 body.
Radar Cross Section of F35: Simulation and Measurement
Radar cross section (RCS) is an important feature in radar target identification. This paper analyzes RCS of F35 aircraft at 5 GHz. The F35 model used in simulation is simplified version from real model with its small detail parts are treated as metal. The simulation is performed by using Physical Optics-supported software, FEKO.
Simulation Results for RCS vs Radar Frequency of F-35A
Download scientific diagram | Simulation Results for RCS vs Radar Frequency of F-35A from publication: EARLY WARNING RADAR RESONANCE FREQUENCY CALCULATION TO DETECT STEALTH FIGHTER F-35A FROM...
《先进米波雷达》一书中F22和F35在米波频率下RCS - 知乎
——否则F22/35简单突脸射120就能打下来,产那么多当靶子么? 文章转自百度贴吧 【图片】《先进米波雷达》一书中F-35和F-22在米波频段下的RCS【重兵器吧】_百度贴吧本书作者吴剑旗,懂得都懂 上图表明功绩 1,VHF频率下,F35正向3.2平米,尾向31.6平米,侧向大约100平米 …
In order to understand why the F-35A has variable RCS value between 2÷30GHz radar frequency ranges and is constant after 30GHz, we need to explain Graphic-2. In the Rayleigh Region, the ratio...
为什么F35作为中型机截面比F22小,但RCS却更大? - 知乎
F22进气道附着面空腔不小,前向理论上应该弱于F35,而F35侧面有太多反射角,也会显著增加RCS。 从公开公布的研究数据看,F35的前向隐身能力强于F22,全向隐身能力弱于F22,所以也不能简单说F35隐身不如F22。 关于F35隐身能力不如F22的说法,主要来自2005年USAF的一个比喻,形容F22的RCS大约是弹珠大小,而F35大概是高尔夫球大小。 但f35甚至是06年才首飞的,可知可靠性多高。 后续洛马和不少美军飞行员都说F35的实际隐身能力优于F22。 这有一定合理 …
Figure 13: RCS polar diagram for the F-35 model, seen from 10° …
RCS polar diagram for the F-35 model, seen from 10° below, at a carrier frequency of 10 GHz. The mean RCS for the front sector (from -45° to +45°), averaged from -15° to +15° in elevation, is...
F-35A Radar scattering simulation – Aircraft 101
2022年9月23日 · There are currently 3 versions of F-35 which are F-35A, F-35B and F-35C. The aim of our simulation is to evaluate the mean and median radar cross section as well as the radar scattering pattern of the F-35A at 4 frequencies: The F-35 will be simulated in 2 configuration: clean without any weapons and lightly loaded with 2 wing tip AIM-9X.
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