North American F-86 Sabre - Wikipedia
Produced by North American Aviation, the Sabre is best known as the United States' first swept-wing fighter that could counter the swept-wing Soviet MiG-15 in high-speed dogfights in the …
F-86战斗机(英文:F-86 Fighter,绰号:Sabre,译文:佩刀,又称:RF-86),是二战后美国研制的一型单座单发后掠翼亚音速喷气式战斗机,是美国第一代喷气式战斗机。
North American F-86A Sabre - National Museum of the USAF
The F-86, the U.S. Air Force's first swept-wing jet fighter, made its initial flight in October 1947. The first production model flew in May 1948, and four months later, an F-86A set a new world …
F-86軍刀戰鬥機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
F-86「軍刀」 (F-86 Sabre)是 第二次世界大战 后 美國 设计的第一代喷气式 战斗机,用於空戰,攔截與轟炸。 1947年10月1日首飛,1949年服役。 這是美國早期設計最為成功的噴射戰鬥 …
F-86佩刀战斗机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
F-86“佩刀” (F-86 Sabre)是 第二次世界大战 后 美国 设计的第一代喷气式 战斗机,用于空战,拦截与轰炸。 1947年10月1日首飞,1949年服役。 这是美国早期设计最为成功的喷气战斗机代 …
North American F-86A Sabre - Plane-Encyclopedia
The F-86A was replaced in active USAF service by the F-86E beginning in the autumn of 1951. As F-86As left active USAF service, they were refurbished, reconditioned and transferred to …
North American F-86A Sabre - Joe Baugher
The F-86A was replaced in active USAF service by the F-86E beginning in the autumn of 1951. As F-86As left active USAF service, they were refurbished, reconditioned and transferred to …
在F-86A出現以前,美國就已經有F-80和F-84等兩款噴射戰機服役,但F-86的設計師受德國航空力學資料啟發,並將後略翼導入戰機設計以強化其高次音速性能,同時後略翼在高速時也比F-80 …
North American F-86A “Sabre” - MAPS Air Museum
North American F-86A-5-NA (S/N 48-263; MSN #43610) ~ The Sabre, sometimes called the Sabrejet, was America’s first swept-wing fighter. She was needed during the Korean War to …
The F-86, the USAF's first swept-wing jet fighter, made its initial flight on Oct. 1, 1947. The first production model flew on May 20, 1948, and on Sept. 15, 1948, an F-86A set a new world …