4-Cyano-4'-pentylbiphenyl - Wikipedia
4-Cyano-4'-pentylbiphenyl is a commonly used nematic liquid crystal with the chemical formula C 18 H 19 N.
Dielectric and spectroscopic studies of multiwalled carbon …
2023年12月1日 · The synthesised functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes (f-MWCNTs) dispersed in 4-cyano-4′-pentylbiphenyl (5CB) nematic liquid crystal to study the dielectric, electrical and optical properties. In comparison with pure nematic liquid crystal, the composite system’s permittivity values and dielectric loss show significant changes.
新型手性棒状化合物掺杂5CB向列液晶介电性能的测定,Journal of …
在该研究领域,向列液晶 (LC) 掺杂不同的 LC 材料以获得改进的 LC 特性,以响应显示技术中所需的物理特性。 这里,5CB (4-cyano-4'-pentylbiphenyl) 向列液晶掺杂了两种具有不同芳环数量的吡啶类手性棒状化合物以及支链手性侧链 ( S )-3,7-二甲基辛氧基进行了研究。
Elastic, dielectric and optical constants of 4'-pentyl-4 …
2010年8月6日 · In this paper, we report the measurement of the elastic and dielectric constants of 5CB, and the temperature behaviour close to T NI has been investigated in detail. The experiment consists in the measurement of the director deformation induced by an electric field using simultaneously both a dielectric and an optical method.
Surface anchoring behavior of 5CB liquid crystal confined between iron ...
2020年4月1日 · To examine the anchoring behavior of 4-n-pentyl-4′-cyano biphenyl (5CB) liquid crystal (LC) on iron surfaces, united-atom molecular dynamics simulations were performed with a ~12 nm 5CB film composed of 1000 molecules under confinement between both the atomically-flat surfaces and sinusoidal grooved surfaces.
4'-戊基-4-联苯甲腈 liquid crystal (nematic), 98% | Sigma-Aldrich
4'-戊基-4-联苯甲腈(5CB)是向列型液晶。 5CB分别在18 o C和35 o C下经历从晶体到向列的相变,然后到各向同性状态。 它可以通过改性联苯来生产
Electronic and electro-optical properties of 5CB and 5CT
2021年4月28日 · In this article, we have performed DFT-based quantum computation on 5CB and 5CT LC molecules in order to find appropriate electronic and electro-optical properties which are very important parameters for the device application.
通过光学研究获得液晶(5CB)的取向特性,Liquid Crystals - X-MOL
摘要 已通过发光和拉曼测量获得了掺杂染料 DMANS 和 DMANAB 的向列液晶 4-n-pentyl-4'-cyanobiphenyl (5CB) 的分子动力学信息。 对于不同的分子运动,重新定向相关时间的温度依赖性是不同的。
4'-正戊基-4-氰基联苯_MSDS_用途_密度_CAS号【40817-08-1】_化 …
1、将联苯与戊酰氯在三氯化铝存在下进行酰基化反应生成4-正戊酰基联苯,再将其用水合肼、氢氧化钾和一缩二乙二醇还原得4-正戊基联苯。由所得4-正戊基联苯与碘酸-碘在酸性条件下反应生成4-正戊基-4’-碘代联苯,然后将该产物与氰化亚铜反应得到对正戊基联苯腈。 2、由联苯与戊酰氯缩合 …
二维材料上的热致液晶(5CB)。,Physical Review E - X-MOL
我们介绍了二维材料单层石墨烯,六方氮化硼和磷光体上液晶4-氰基-4 ^ {'}-戊基联苯(5CB)的基态电子性能。 我们的密度泛函理论结果表明,在5CB与磷上的结合最强的情况下,其在所有表面上的物理吸附作用均很强。
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