TB-Electronics GmbH
Precise and stable frequencies with sine or square wave forms are digitally synthesized. Handling and operation of our devices are explained in detailed operating manuals. Most customers report that it was easy to get started. Please note that F-SCAN is not a medical device. Prices excl. VAT. Duties and taxes charged on import.
FTB135 F-SCAN5 - Devices - TB-Electronics GmbH
The F-SCAN5 offers as first type of device 4 channels which can be output simultaneously on 4 outputs. The device is based on the F-SCAN4 and offers the entire functionality of it.
FTB128 F-SCAN4 - Devices - TB-Electronics GmbH
The F-SCAN4 is one of the top models of our product line. It combines functionality with ease and comfort of operation. The large color touch screen display with 800x480 pixels and capacitive touch, with an optimized operating routine, offers all functions for frequency applications.
TB-Electronics F-SCAN COMPACT Instruction Manual
View and Download TB-Electronics F-SCAN COMPACT instruction manual online. Frequency Synthesizer. F-SCAN COMPACT synthesizer pdf manual download.
TB-Electronics Frequency Synthesizer F-SCAN2 Instruction …
Product highlights • The F-SCAN 2 is operated by a backlit monochrome LCD touch screen display of 320 x 240 pixels. Its viewing angle can be adjusted to the users comfort within 90 degrees. Touch commands are executed instantaneously which reduces setup times. •...
足底压力分布测量系统介绍 - 知乎
足底压力分布测量系统是运用压力测量仪器对人体在静止或者动态过程中足底压力的力学、几何学以及时间参数进行测量,对不同状态下的足底压力参数进行分析研究,揭示不同的足底压力分布特征和模式,再依据各项数值进行相关对比研究。 采用足底压力分布测试系统,我们可以研究运动员在走、跑、跳过程中足底各区峰值压强特点、压力-时间变化特点、压力中心移动特点以及分析走、跑、跳过程中足底各区压力分布规律,从而得出运动员在落地、缓冲和蹬伸过程中足底压力分 …
美国tekscan公司F-SCAN足底压力分析系统 - 道客巴巴
2015年3月25日 · F-Scan 系列包括 F-Scan® Mobile System、 F-Scan® VersaTek System 和 F-Scan® Lite VersaTek System 三种系统。 您可以根据需要进行选择。 F-Scan® Mobile System 采用 能够测试时间、 如纸一般薄像鞋垫般的传感器作为 F-Scan 系统中之重要组件。
Frekvenční Generátor (Zapper) s Frekvenční Analýzou DIRP. Pokročilý přístroj F-SCAN COMPACT spojuje automatickou frekvenční analýzu (DIRP) s frekvenčním generátorem, nabízející uživatelům možnost měření vlastních rezonančních frekvencí v …
美国tekscan公司F-SCAN足底压力分析系统 - 豆丁网
2012年11月23日 · F-Scan系列包括F-Scan®MobileSystem、F-Scan®VersaTekSystem和F-Scan®LiteVersaTekSystem三种系统。 您可以根据需要进行选择。 F-Scan®MobileSystem. 采用能够测试时间、如纸一般薄像鞋垫般的传感器作为F-Scan系统中之重要组件。 设计独特的传感器使纪录足底压力动态变化时毋须使用缆线连接计算机与测试者。 独特设计的传感器所拥有的弹性与曲屈能力能满足客户在自然的步伐及活动下达到最好的灵敏性及对传感器最小的破坏,完美地 …
The F-scan is a medical device which claims to scan the body and detect “resonances” of pathogens. In this way it purports to identify such pathogens in the body and provide treatment of the same by way of electrical frequencies applied via pads to the skin using principles attributed to Dr Royal Raymond Rife and Dr Hulda Clark.
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