F.CUZ Members Profile (Updated!) - Kpop Profiles
F.CUZ (포커즈) is a South Korean boy group that debuted on January 8, 2010 under CAN&J Entertainment with the single “Jiggy”. Their name stands for (For Century Ultimate Zest) and is pronounced “Focus”. They debuted with members Jinon, LeeU, Kan and Yejun. The current line up consists of Jinon, LeeU/Lumin, Kan, Raehyun, Daegeon and ...
F.Cuz (포커즈) Introducing: Kan - YouTube
2009年12月9日 · New boygroup, F.Cuz (Pronounced; Focus) reveals 3rd member 'Kan'.Kan is Dancer in the group.
F.Cuz - Wikipedia
F.Cuz (Korean: 포커즈, "Focus"), is a South Korean boy band that used to be managed by Tunes-Will Entertainment, [1] and is now promoting as an independent group (before 2014 by CAN Entertainment). [2] .
[F.Cuz]《創團五週年》F.Cuz團員詳細介紹與歷年成長(2015年 …
2015年1月5日 · 介紹詞: 「我是帥男~Kan」(2012訪台時期)、「我是F.cuz的視覺擔當(Visual)~ KAN」(2013-2014日本活動時期)。 理想型(歷年理想型): 「笑起來漂亮的女生。」(2012)→「眼睛漂亮、笑容可愛、嘴唇有魅力的女生。
F.cuz - 百度百科
F.cuz(포커즈),CAN Entertainment旗下的 音乐 组合,现任 成员 有 金镇喆 、金大建、金来炫、崔荣学、沈艺浚。 F.Cuz本来是由四位平均身高超过180cm的花美男组成,让韩国媒体大力赞赏并为他们取了“Model Idol”的封号,意指为“模特儿般的偶像团体”。 成员之一的Leeu (已退队)还是韩国国民歌手雪云道的长子,完美承袭了父亲的好歌喉,另外三位团员Jinon、Kan和YeJun都是同一所高中的学长学弟,三人是和Rain念同一所高中,也是相同的舞蹈社团。 因知名造型设计师 …
F.CUZ重新出「輯」 KAN哭談想尋短 | ETtoday星光雲 | ETtoday新 …
2012年4月29日 · 韓國男子團體f.cuz時隔17個月,以5人形式正式回歸眾人視線,於27日公開第三張迷你專輯主打歌《no.1》。 其中團員Kan(崔榮學)嚴重車禍,當時全身多處重傷。
All about Kan - F.Cuz - Fanpop
Stage Name: Kan Position in F.Cuz: Main dancer Real Name: Choi Young Hak Weight: 72kg = 158lbs [Weight may vary] Height: 184cm = 6ft [Height may vary] Date of Birth: September 30, 1991 Facts - Currently studying at the Ahn Yang High School of Art - was in a dance team that used to include several top singers in Korea with YeJun and JinOn
連退團的都回歸!男模團F.CUZ隔11年完整來台 竟是鐵粉大力促成
2024年5月3日 · For.U(粉絲名)等了11年,終於能再次親身見到韓流男神二代團F.CUZ了! 由Jin On、LeeU、藝浚、KAN、來炫與大建組成,出道便造成旋風熱潮的F.CUZ,曾經 ...
Kan - F.Cuz Puerto Rico
Considered the calm and silent member of F.Cuz; His favorite color is black. His favorite artist is Rain. His hobbies include drawing, photography, listening to music, and dancing. His nicknames are King Kan, Honey Thighs, NarKan (Narcissistic Kan), & ObaKan (Obasan Kan). His stage name was created my his mom and means “King of Asia New star.”
Kan | fcuzonme
x Kan x Real Name: Choi Young Hak(최영학) Position: Dancer, Rapper, Vocals Date of Birth: September 30, 1991 Blood Type: B Height: 184cm Weight: 72kg
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