GP2 Series - Wikipedia
In 2017, the series was rebranded as the FIA Formula 2 Championship. Designed to make racing affordable for the teams and to make it a better training ground for life in Formula One, GP2 made it mandatory for all of the teams to use the same chassis, engine and tyre supplier so that true driver ability is reflected.
GP2系列賽 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
GP2 是一项由FIA認證的 方程式赛车 赛事,於2005年首次舉行。 所有參賽賽車的底盤由意大利 Dallara 提供,4.0公升V8引擎則是由 雷諾 供應。 2005年,为 F1 培养了许多车手的 F3000 比赛停止举办, GP2 此时应运而生。 GP2馬力達到600匹,比不足500匹的F3000更加接近F1的性能,更加配合車手的培育需要。 2017年,该赛事被重塑为 国际汽联二级方程式锦标赛。 周五:30分钟练习赛+30分钟排位赛,排位赛成绩将决定周六比赛时的发车次序。 周六:180公里的比赛。 每 …
F2自1950年就有,相当于低配版的F1,当时F1也有车队和车手去参加F2的(法拉利也参与过早起F2赛事),85年改成F3000,因当时F3000用的是3000CC引擎而得名。 然后F3000因为资金、收视率等问题没法继续发展下去,然后另谋出路,2005制定了新规则的赛事GP2代替F3000,然后FIA又要让F2重新回归大众视线,在09年开始有所谓F2赛事,但是那个所谓的F2赛事说是F2名头,但是参赛选手水平真的一言难尽,所以F1各大车队还是将视线集中在GP2。 然后在最近17 …
Here’s How Formula 1 And GP2 Cars Compare | CarThrottle
2024年10月10日 · F1 is very technically advanced. GP2 cars are still complicated machines, but they are much more simple and are all identical, meaning it is the driving that does all of the talking on the...
TIMELINE: From a ‘GP2 engine’ to World Champions - Formula 1
2025年1月16日 · McLaren completed their return to the top of the F1 pecking order in 2024 by overcoming Red Bull and Ferrari to win the constructors’ championship for the first time in more than 20 years. It marks a spectacular recovery from the Woking outfit, who only recently found themselves running at the very back of the field.
GP2与F1的区别 - 百度知道
目前,从赛车技术标准和比赛规则方面看,GP2都比F3000更接近F1,它将成为培养未来F1车手的摇篮,是年轻车手从低级方程式升入F1的最后一个台阶。 F2就是现在的GP2,等级比F1低一级。 今年我们看到的尼克罗斯伯格就是去年这项赛事的佼佼者。 可以说GP2时绝大多数F1车手的必经之路,特别是在澳门大奖赛上有突出表现的车手,可能借此跳板一跃成为F1车手。 今年GP2种表现突出的有麦克拉伦的希望之星-黑人车手汉密尔顿,以及小塞纳。 不过据小罗斯伯格说,GP2中 …
GP2 Series - Formula 2 Wiki
The GP2 Series was a form of open wheel motor racing introduced in 2005 following the discontinuation of the long-term Formula One feeder series, Formula 3000. The GP2 format was conceived by Bernie Ecclestone and Flavio Briatore, while Ecclestone also has …
GP2 Series: The feeder series that produced F1 World Champions
2024年3月17日 · FIA Formula 2 is the acknowledged Formula 1 feeder series in this day and age, prior to that, a decade ago GP2 Series was doing the business of producing world champions. While drivers such as Max Verstappen (sheer talent) and Lance Stroll (big money) skipped F2, the majority have used it as a rung to F1.
Grand Prix 2 - Wikipedia
Grand Prix 2, released in North America as "Grand Prix II", [2] is a racing simulator released by MicroProse in 1996. It is a sequel to Formula One Grand Prix. It was made under an official FIA license [3] that featured the Formula One 1994 season, with …