Republic F-105 Thunderchief - Wikipedia
The Republic F-105 Thunderchief is an American fighter-bomber that served with the United States Air Force from 1958 to 1984. Capable of Mach 2, it conducted the majority of strike …
HERE’S WHY THE F-105 WAS DUBBED THE “THUD” - The Aviation Geek Club
Whether it was the sound of 50,000 pounds of metal uncontrollably impacting the earth, or the light-hearted shortening of the name Howdy Doody’s Indian rival, Chief Thunderthud, the F …
Why Pilots Loved the F-105 'Thud' Despite its Vulnerability - HistoryNet
Nov 29, 2019 · A fast mover designed to carry a nuclear weapon, the F-105 Thunderchief became the Vietnam War’s most important conventional fighter-bomber.
F-105 Thunderchief in the Vietnam War - ThoughtCo
Nov 4, 2019 · The Republic F-105 Thunderchief was an American fighter-bomber that earned fame during the Vietnam War. Entering service in 1958, the F-105 underwent a series of …
Republic F-105G Thunderchief - National Museum of the USAF
The F-105, nicknamed the "Thud," evolved from a 1951 project by to replace the F-84F fighter-bomber. The prototype first flew in October 1955, and Republic delivered the first production …
F-105D Thunderchief: One Heavy War Horse - HistoryNet
Jul 28, 2010 · Its bombload and range soon made the F-105 the Air Force’s primary fighter-bomber in Vietnam. Republic’s F-105 Thunderchief was developed as a supersonic close-air …
F-105雷公戰鬥機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
F-105雷公(Thunderchief),是美國服役於1960年代的超音速攻擊機。 雖然屬於 第二代戰機 但同時有戰機和攻擊機特色,可以說是現代 F-15E 或 F/A-18 等戰轟機的先驅概念。
Republic Aviation’s F-105 Thunderchief By Lt. Col.George A. Larson,A. Larson, USAF (Ret.) One of the earliest Republic Thunderchiefs, this F-105B-1-RE, 54-0102, was one of the first group …
Republic F-105D “Thunderchief” - American Airpower Museum
Dec 8, 2021 · The F-105 was one of the primary strike bombers of the Vietnam War; over 20,000 Thunderchief sorties were flown, with 382 aircraft lost (nearly half of the 833 produced) …
Republic F-105D Thunderchief | National Air and Space Museum
Built by Republic Aircraft, the F-105 was designed as a supersonic, single-seat, fighter-bomber able to carry nuclear weapons and heavy bomb loads over great distances at high speeds. It …