General Electric F110 - Wikipedia
Compared to the F110-100, the -129 incorporated component improvements, including a full authority digital engine control (FADEC), that allowed maximum thrust to be achieved in a wider range of conditions and across larger portions of the flight envelope, while retaining 80% commonality; bypass ratio was reduced to 0.76.
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Today’s F110-GE-129 offers maximum mission capability for the latest generation of F-16C/D and F-15 aircraft. Sharing 81% parts commonality with the F110-GE-100 – the safest single-engine powerplant in U.S. Air Force history in its class – the -129 offers significant mission advantages throughout the F-15 and F-16 envelopes.
通用電氣F110 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
通用電氣F110 為一款由 GE航空 制造的带有 後燃器 的大推力 涡扇引擎。 F110引擎採用與通用電氣 F101 (英语:General Electric F101) 相同的核心部件。 F118渦輪扇發動機 为一款無加力燃燒室的衍生產品。 該引擎也授權土耳其 圖薩斯發動機工業 (英语:Tusaş Engine Industries) 、日本 IHI 和韓國 韓華航太 (英语:Hanwha Aerospace) 製造。 當 F-14A 於1973年初服役時,上面搭載的是 普惠TF30發動機 (英语:Pratt & Whitney TF30)。
F110涡轮风扇发动机 - 百度百科
F110-GE-129 性能改进型,推力达12900daN。 提高了 涡轮进口温度 55~80℃,增大了转速,改进了材料,采用 全权数字电子控制系统 。 涵道比 降为0.76,零件数目比F100-GE-100少40~50%。
如何做出兼顾性能和可靠性的航空发动机?F110 GE 129EFE的发展 …
2017年9月13日 · 由f110-ge-100发展衍生为f110-ge-129时,ge公司采用了低风险的衍生技术,继承了-100型的高可靠性,采用了-100型中的81%零、组件,使-129型也具有在飞行包线内油门杆的运动无任何约束且不会发生失速,因此使驾驶员可将精力集中于作战任务。
F110-GE-129 - GE AVIATION - PDF Catalogs | Technical …
F110-GE-129 to power F-15 fleets. GE has introduced hardware upgrades capable of allowing the -129 to operate for 6,000 TACs between scheduled visits, which represents a 40% reduction in scheduled engine vi
2021年9月20日 · 今年6月,美国空军生命周期管理中心(aflcm)授予ge航空公司第一批19台f110-ge-129发动机生产合同。 f110-ge-129发动机是f-15ex战斗机唯一经过测试、集成和认证的发动机。2014年,ge开始投资资源,并长期致力于获得f-15ex的资质。ge在飞机集成方面拥有丰富的经验 …
GE Aerospace Secures $5 Billion U.S. Air Force Contract for F110 ...
1 天前 · This contract supports Foreign Military Sales (FMS) for F110-GE-129 engines, which power F-15 and F-16 aircraft operated by allied nations worldwide.The GE Aerospace F110 engine has more than 11 million flight hours under its wing, the most thrust in its class, and recently celebrated a milestone of 40 years of continuous production and ...
F110 Turbofan engine family The engine of choice for frontline fighters around the world its new fly-by-wire F-15EX Eagle II fleet. The F110 Today’s F110 engine offers maximum mission capability for the latest generation of F-16 and F-15 Advanced aircraft. The latest F110 models, the -129 and -132 engines, feature
GE Gets $5B to Make Engines for Saudi, Jordan, Bulgarian F-16, F …
The F110 engine family has accumulated over 11 million flight hours and continues to serve as the primary powerplant for F-15 and F-16 aircraft worldwide. The F110-GE-129 model has a thrust class of 29,000 pounds (129 kN) and measures 181.9 inches (4.6 meters) in length.
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