Junkers F 13 - Wikipedia
The Junkers F 13 is the world's first all-metal transport aircraft, designed and produced by the German aircraft manufacturer Junkers. Produced shortly after the end of the First World War, it was a cantilever -wing monoplane with enclosed accommodation for four passengers and a two seat open cockpit.
Boeing F-13 Superfortress | This Day in Aviation
2024年11月4日 · The bomber served during World War II and the Korean War and continued in active U.S. service until 1960. In addition to its primary mission as a long range heavy bomber, the Superfortress also served as a photographic reconnaissance airplane, designated F-13, a weather recon airplane (WB-29), and a tanker (KB-29).
Boeing B-29 Superfortress variants - Wikipedia
The Boeing B-29 Superfortress is a United States Army Air Forces long range, strategic heavy bomber that was produced in many experimental and production models from 1943 to 1946.
Boeing RB-29 / F-13 (Superfortress) - Military Factory
2020年6月27日 · With the introduction of the Boeing B-29 "Superfortress" strategic bomber in 1943, all that changed for now the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) now had, in its stable, a versatile performer capable of reaching the ranges expected of it - particularly across the vast expanse of the Pacific Theater.
Boeing RB-29 / F-13 (Superfortress) - USAF Combat Camera
2022年4月4日 · With the introduction of the Boeing B-29 “Superfortress” strategic bomber in 1943, all that changed for now the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) now had, in its stable, a versatile performer capable of reaching the ranges expected of it – particularly across the vast expanse of the Pacific Theater.
容克斯F13 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
容克斯 F.13 (德語: Junkers F 13)、或稱「容克斯 J.13」(Junkers J 13);是由 德國 飛機製造商 容克斯 在 一次大戰 結束後數年所開發的飛機。 此為世界歷史上第一架全金屬打造以及用於航空載運服務的飛機。 [2][3] 除生產地德國外,容克斯F.13飛機曾被 法國 、 義大利 等共30個以上國家採用過。 [4] F.13於1919年2月10日起在 德紹 的容克斯工廠開始打造, [2] 當時期的飛機主要以 雙翼機 模樣為主,而F.13則採取 單翼機 的造型,此方法可減少雙翼機所受到的空氣阻力、提 …
Military Mystery: Why Was There No F-13 Or F-17 Fighter Jets?
2023年5月9日 · It seems F13 wasn’t used because of superstition. Instead, a YF-17 prototype (late 1960’s) lightweight fighter was designed to be cheaper than the F15 but lost out to the F16. So after a redesign, it became the F/A-18. To reduce confusion, the US Tri-Service aircraft designation system was introduced in 1962 as follows: A - attack aircraft.
Boeing RB-29 / F-13 (Superfortress) - Military Equipment Guide …
They converted some B-29 models into the F-13 variant for high-altitude reconnaissance. These modified bombers had cameras and increased fuel capacity. They were deployed in the Pacific and provided valuable photographic evidence. After the war, the series was renamed and used in the Korean War.
Junkers F.13 - 百度百科
JunkersF.13型飞机是世界上第一架硬铝全金属无支架、无张线的单翼张臂式客机。 它是由胡戈·容克斯博士主持设计,并在他自己的飞机制造工厂制造并量产的一款 民用运输机。 第一次世界大战 后, 德国 人 胡戈·容克斯 博士在 德绍 开设了自己的飞机制造工厂,主要从事 民用运输机 的研制和生产工作。 1919年,他设计的世界上第一架硬铝全金属客机JunkersF.13试飞成功,这在国际民航史上占有重要地位,在相当一段时间内影响了许多相关机型的设计思路和制造技术。 …
Junkers F.13 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Junkers F.13 (also known as the F 13) was the world's first all-metal transport aircraft, developed in Germany at the end of World War I. It was an advanced cantilever-wing monoplane, with enclosed accommodation for four passengers. Over 300 were sold. It was in production for thirteen years and in commercial service for almost twenty.