How to use F13 – F24 when the buttons are not there
2024年4月19日 · To use function keys F13 through F24 on a laptop where the corresponding physical buttons are not present, you can typically press the “Fn” button along with the desired function key. This combination is often used to access additional functions, such as multimedia controls, brightness adjustments, or other special features.
F12键之后的功能键有什么作用? keyboard keyboard-layout …
F13至F24实际上是大型机用户常用的按键。 虽然我所在的公司使用大型机,但我发现大多数用户都使用普通键盘,并通过按下“Shift”键来访问F13至F24。 - Jules
特殊键值说明 | CXT Labs
Where are F13 – F24 keys on Windows Keyboard & How to use …
2025年1月3日 · As mentioned earlier, F13 to F24 keys are not commonly found on standard Windows keyboards. However, if you are using some program that is asking for the input for keys ranging from F13 to F24 you can do it simply by combining the existing F1 to F12 keys with the Shift key as shown below.
Lets you send keystrokes for F13 to F24 keys via buttons ... - GitHub
Send keystrokes for F13 to F24 keys via buttons, including with modifiers (Shift, Ctrl, Alt). Also allows sending custom key codes (see The Wiki for more info this)
Are there any shortcuts using F13~F24? - Microsoft Community
2023年12月5日 · What type of keyboard do you have if there are F13 - F24 keys, please provide the exact make and Model No. of the keyboard. Power to the Developer! I don't have a keyboard like that. I found it when I map function keys to my gaming mouse to create some shortcuts. After that, when I tried to input F16 through a script, the same thing happened.
什么是功能键?|极客笔记 - Deepinout
F12键将在运行macOS 10.4或更高版本的Apple中显示或隐藏仪表板。 Microsoft Expression Web中的F12键预览页面。 F12键将访问计算机上可启动设备的列表。 F13至F15键 最新的Apple键盘将显示F13键,F14键和F15键,而不是Print Screen键,Scroll Lock键或Pause键。 F16至F19键
告诉你吧 这些键的 代码是有的 只不过 标准的键盘是没有的 可以用shift+F1键代替F13键 后面 依此类推..
How to press F13 - F24 on the keyboard - YouTube
This video shows how to press F13 - F24 on a keyboard were there are only 12 F keys, F1 - F12.
Windows Copilot 密钥是来自 IBM 时代的秘密 — 但您可以使用正 …
由于世界上存在具有 F13 - F24 的键盘,因此 Windows 和其他操作系统将这些键盘识别为有效键。 如果您有宏键盘,则可以对这些键(或您想要的任何其他键)进行编程,以将其自身标识为 F13 - F24。