Northrop YF-17 - Wikipedia
The Northrop YF-17 (nicknamed "Cobra") was a prototype lightweight fighter aircraft designed by Northrop aviation for the United States Air Force 's Lightweight Fighter (LWF) technology evaluation program.
Why Was There No F-13 or F-17 Fighter Jets?
2023年11月27日 · Though there wasn’t ever an F-17, there was the YF-17 Cobra, a prototype lightweight fighter aircraft designed by Northrop aviation for the United States Air Force’s Lightweight Fighter (LWF)...
YF-17眼鏡蛇戰鬥機 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
諾斯羅普YF-17戰鬥機「眼鏡蛇」 (英語: Northrop YF-17 Cobra)是 美國 諾斯羅普公司 參加 美國空軍 輕型戰鬥機計畫(LWF),與 通用動力 設計的 YF-16 競標的設計。 競爭落敗之後,後來演變成為 美國海軍 F/A-18戰鬥機攻擊機,是少見敗選者復活的例子。 由於 翼前緣延伸面 (LERx)的曲線與大小的關係,使得YF-17獲得 眼鏡蛇 (Cobra)的暱稱。 攝於1976年,YF-17在試驗飛行中。 1965年諾斯羅普公司以該公司非常成功的 F-5A戰鬥機 為基礎進行新型輕 …
YF-17战斗机(英文:YF-17 Fighter [6],代号:眼镜蛇),是一个轻量级原型战斗机,设计用于美国空军的LWF计划技术评估计划。 LWF的发起是因为战斗机团体中的许多人认为像F-15鹰的飞机对于许多战斗角色来说太大和昂贵。 虽然它失去了对F-16战斗猎鹰的LWF竞争,YF-17被选为新的海军战斗机攻击实验(VFAX)计划。 以放大的形式,美国海军和 美国海军陆战队 采用F / A-18大黄蜂取代A-7海盗II和F-4幽灵II,补充更昂贵的 F-14雄猫。 [1] 这个设计被认为是一个小而轻的 …
What Was The Northrop YF-17 Fighter Jet & Its Legacy?
2024年3月20日 · What Was The Northrop YF-17 Fighter Jet & Its Legacy? The YF-17 Cobra was a lightweight fighter prototype for the USAF but lost to the F-16. The YF-17 evolved into the F/A-18 series, showcasing high performance and varied capabilities. The F/A-18 Super Hornet is a modernized version addressing the Hornet's shortfalls.
F17 - Wikipedia
F17 or F-17 may refer to: Formula 17, a 2004 Taiwanese film ECAN F17, a French wire-guided torpedo F 17 Kallinge, an air force base in southern Sweden JF-17 Thunder, a fighter aircraft built by China and Pakistan Northrop YF-17, an American prototype fighter aircraft of the 1970s For the F17 Bandy World Championship, see Bandy World ...
Northrop YF-17 (Cobra) Technology Demonstrator Aircraft
2021年3月19日 · The YF-17 Cobra was a Northrop Aviation creation through NASA to support further testing and research of aircraft at transonic speeds (meaning just underneath the speed of sound, or 700-780mph / 1,127-1,255kph). The YF-17 Cobra was, itself, born from the United States Air Force's Lightweight Fighter Program.
YF-17 Cobra - GlobalSecurity.org
Northrop produced the twin-engine YF-17 using breakthrough aerodynamic technologies and two high-thrust General Electric YJ101 engines. General Dynamics countered with the compact YF-16, built...
Northrop YF-17 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Northrop YF-17 (nicknamed "Cobra") was a prototype lightweight fighter aircraft designed for the United States Air Force 's Lightweight Fighter (LWF) technology evaluation program. The LWF was initiated because many in the fighter community believed that aircraft like the F-15 Eagle were too large and expensive for many combat roles.
Northrop YF-17 - Wikiwand
The Northrop YF-17 (nicknamed "Cobra") was a prototype lightweight fighter aircraft designed by Northrop aviation for the United States Air Force 's Lightweight Fighter (LWF) technology evaluation program.