F-21 | Lockheed Martin
Specifically configured for the Indian Air Force, the F-21 provides unmatched ‘Make in India’ opportunities and strengthens India’s path to an advanced airpower future. The F-21 addresses the Indian Air Force’s unique requirements and integrates India into the world’s largest fighter aircraft ecosystem with the world’s pre-eminent defence company.
F21 - Wikipedia
Schizotypal personality disorder, whose ICD-10 code is "F21" Fluorine-21 (F-21 or 21 F), an isotope of fluorine
F-21戰鬥機 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
1985年 美國海軍 向 以色列 承租21架 幼獅戰鬥機 作為 異機種訓練,這21架戰鬥機到達美國之後擁有美軍的正式編號 F-21A。 [1] 美國海軍使用這些飛機到1988年,然後改以 F-16 N接替訓練任務,這21架飛機隨即歸還以色列空軍。 2019年2月20日, 洛克希德·馬丁 公司在 印度 航空航空展上公佈了另一種概念的 F-21,作為一項新提案取代停用的F-16IN,投標印度戰鬥機。 [2] F-21計劃在印度本地生產,與Tata Advanced Systems合作提出150億美元的草擬協議。
Lockheed Martin Is Making a New Version of the F-16 Called the F-21
2019年2月20日 · Lockheed Martin has announced a fighter jet it calls the F-21. The single-seat fighter is packed with missiles, modern sensors, and can engage in both air-to-air and air-to-ground combat. It’s...
F-21战斗机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
1985年 美国海军 向 以色列 承租21架 幼狮战斗机 作为 异机种训练,这21架战斗机到达美国之后拥有美军的正式编号 F-21A。 [1] 美国海军使用这些飞机到1988年,然后改以 F-16 N接替训练任务,这21架飞机随即归还以色列空军。 2019年2月20日, 洛克希德·马丁 公司在 印度 航空航空展上公布了另一种概念的 F-21,作为一项新提案取代停用的F-16IN,投标印度战斗机。 [2] F-21计划在印度本地生产,与Tata Advanced Systems合作提出150亿美元的草拟协议。
F-21: For India. From India. Enhanced capability - more targets with higher precision. Nearly 2x range of mechanically scanned array radars. Enhanced survivability against ground and air threats. First look. First kill. Detect the threat without the detecting you. Conformal fuel tanks enable greater range penetration and loiter persistence.
Lockheed Unveils F-21 Fighter, a Beefy F-16 Concept It’s …
2019年2月20日 · Lockheed Martin on Wednesday surprised the aviation world by unveiling the F-21 fighter jet, a proposed tailor-made version of the F-16, which it is pitching to the Indian Air Force. The...
F-21 Kfir Fighter Jet - Air Force Technology
2020年6月23日 · The F-21 Kfir fighter jet is a single-seat multitask fighter built by Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI). The fighter craft was first built for Israeli Air Force (IAF). The first aircraft entered into service in 1976. Kfir can fly at an altitude of 30,000m with a maximum speed of 2,285km/h over a range of 1,300km.
Difference between new F-21 and New F-16 Block 70 Fighter jet
2019年2月22日 · Lockheed Martin has announced a fighter jet it calls the F-21. The single-seat fighter is packed with missiles, modern sensors, and can engage in both air-to-air and air-to-ground combat. It’s not exactly “new” though—the rest of the world knows this plane as the F-16 Fighting Falcon.
Lockheed Martin F-21 (Fighting Falcon) - Military Factory
2021年3月30日 · The F-21 is an advanced version of the F-16 "Fighting Falcon" multirole fighter being offered by Lockheed Martin to fulfill a standing Indian Air Force (IAF) requirement covering some 110 total fighters.