McDonnell F3H Demon - Wikipedia
The McDonnell F3H Demon is a subsonic swept-wing carrier-based jet fighter aircraft designed and produced by the American manufacturer McDonnell Aircraft Corporation. It was the first swept wing jet fighter and the only single-engined carrier-based fighter the company produced.
The Demon that Could Hardly Fly | Naval History Magazine - April …
The F3H Demon was designed around the Westinghouse J40 turbojet, which was to deliver 11,000 pounds-static-thrust (lbst). The first of two prototype XF3H-1 aircraft flew on 7 August 1951 with the XJ40-WE-6 engine, which delivered only 7,200 lbst (10,900 lbst with afterburner), while the prototype had increased in weight.
F-3战斗机(英文:F3 Fighter [1]),代号恶魔(英文:Demon),是 第二次世界大战 结束后美国 麦克唐纳公司 为美国海军研制的舰载单发 喷气式战斗机。 麦克唐纳 F3H“恶魔”战斗机源自于 1948 年 5 月 21 日由美国海军航空署提出的发展一种舰载拦截机的招标书。 在此份招标书中,海军希望能够获得一种在性能上可以与即将进入现役的陆基战斗机相媲美甚至更为优秀的舰载拦截机 [1-4]。 F3H-1N. 美国海军急切地渴求 F3H-1N 尽可能快的入役,原因很简单,为了对抗他们即将在朝 …
The McDonnell F3H Demon Was Doomed Before It Ever Entered …
2023年4月3日 · The F3H Demon remained in frontline service with the US Navy until 1962, and it was withdrawn before it could see action in Vietnam. It was replaced by the McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II. Viewed as an advanced version of the F3H, the F-4 was just as capable as its predecessor at targeting ground and air targets.
F3H Demon - NHHC
The F3H Demon was McDonnell Aircraft Corporation's first swept wing aircraft, providing the basis for development of the F-4 Phantom II. It was an infamously troubled aircraft; engine problems...
McDonnell F3H Demon - Military Factory
2022年9月14日 · Page details technical specifications, development, and operational history of the McDonnell F3H Demon Carrierborne Fighter / Interceptor / Fighter-Bomber including pictures.
F3H-2M Demon - NNAM - navalaviationmuseum.org
F3H-2M Demon First Flight: The prototype of the F3H Demon made its maiden flight on August 7, 1951. Power Problems: Like many early jets, problems with the performance of the F3H stemmed from an inadequate engine.
恶魔来袭终归尘土|F3H-2“恶魔”战斗机 「谈模论武」 - 哔哩哔哩
它是一种多用途战斗机,可以在机身两侧和机翼下 6 个挂点挂带 6,000 磅诸如炸弹、火箭或者“特殊外挂(其实就是核武器)”等的作战载荷。f3h-2 在外观上与先前型号的区别在于,它具有较短的獭尾型尾锥。到 1960 年 4 月 8 日,f3h-2 共计生产了 239 架。
美海军“雄猫”第31战斗机中队(FITRON 31)(超详细影像志)
2023年2月24日 · vf-31“雄猫”的麦克唐纳 f3h-2n 恶魔 (buno 136993) 在美国佛罗里达州梅波特海军基地附近飞行。vf-31被分配到第3航空母舰大队(cvg-3)
The Demon- - War History
2019年6月26日 · The F3H Demon was the first swept-wing jet fighter aircraft built by McDonnell Aircraft and also the first aircraft designed to be armed only with missiles rather than guns. The carrier-based, transonic, all-weather Demon fighter was designed with the philosophy that carrier-based fighters need not be inferior to land-based fighters.