EMD F40C - Wikipedia
The EMD F40C is a 6-axle 3,200 horsepower (2.4 MW) diesel-electric locomotive built by General Motors Electro-Motive Division in 1974 for commuter service in Chicago. EMD only built 15 locomotives; the decline of the 6-axle design for passenger service led to the adoption of the 4-axle EMD F40PH as the standard passenger locomotive in the ...
F40C型柴油机车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
f40c型柴油机车是美国 通用汽车 易安迪公司(gm-emd)于1970年代初为芝加哥通勤铁路设计制造的一款干线客运柴油机车。 F40C型柴油机车是在 SDP40F型柴油机车 基础上发展而来的干线客运用的六轴柴油机车,采用单司机室、底架承载结构、双侧内走廊的棚式车体。
EMD "F40C" Locomotives: Specs, Roster, History - American-Rails.com
The F40C was EMD's commuter version of its SDP40F road variant built for Amtrak in 1973/1974. Featuring a HEP alternator, in place of the latter's steam generator, the F40C was four feet shorter utilizing a standard SD40-2 frame.
F40C型柴油機車 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
f40c型柴油機車是美國 通用汽車 易安迪公司(gm-emd)於1970年代初為芝加哥通勤鐵路設計製造的一款幹線客運柴油機車。 F40C型柴油機車是在 SDP40F型柴油機車 基礎上發展而來的幹線客運用的六軸柴油機車,採用單司機室、底架承載結構、雙側內走廊的棚式車體。
F40C - RailroadfanWiki
2010年4月20日 · The Electromotive Division F40C is a 6 axle, 3,200 HP diesel-electric locomotive built in 1973 for the Northwest Suburban Mass Transportation District (NWSMT) and the North Suburban Mass Transit District (NSMT) of Chicago, IL, which later reorganized as the Regional Transporation Agency (RTA), with commuter rail later being operated under the name of METRA.
Metra EMD F40C diesel locomotives - Trains
2023年10月8日 · EMD F40C diesel locomotives were six-axle, 3,200-hp units built for Chicago-area commuter service in 1974. They were found on two Milwaukee Road-operated routes out of Union Station, one west to Elgin and one north to Fox Lake. The units had a cowl body like the Amtrak SDP40F of 1973, but used an alternator to supply train power, and was ...
法拉利f40优秀在何处?为什么有人将它视为跑车中最伟大之一? - 知乎
EMD F40C - Trains and Railroads
EMD F40C DIESEL-ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVE. The EMD F40C is a 6-axle 3,200 horsepower (2.4 MW) diesel-electric locomotive built by General Motors Electro-Motive Division in 1974 for commuter service in Chicago. EMD only built 15 locomotives; the decline of the 6-axle design for passenger service led to the adoption of the 4-axle EMD F40PH as the standard passenger locomotive in the United States.
法拉利F40 - 百度百科
在 法拉利 众多经典车型中,法拉利F40是一款具有特别历史纪念意义的超级跑车。 F40是为了纪念法拉利品牌40周年而推出的,为当时性能最为强悍的车型,而这款车型也是法拉利创始人 恩佐·法拉利 (Enzo Ferrari)最后参与设计研发的车型。 1987年,法拉利F40在德国法兰克福车展正式亮相,在当时也仅 ...
F40C型柴油机车 - 全球百科
f40c型柴油机车是emd于1974年3月至5月期间制造的柴油电力机车,用于郊区服务。它配备16缸emd645发动机,可产生3200马力(2390千瓦)的功率。建造的15辆机车与emdsd40-2具有相同的框架,因此也长20.98m。他们是用公共资金购买的,以改善芝加哥西部和北部芝加哥、密尔沃基、 …