Grumman F4F Wildcat - Wikipedia
A shortage of two-stage superchargers led to the development of the F4F-3A, which was basically the F4F-3 but with a 1,200 hp (890 kW) Pratt & Whitney R-1830-90 radial engine with a more primitive single-stage two-speed supercharger. The F4F-3A, which was capable of 312 mph (502 km/h) at 16,000 ft (4,900 m), was used side by side with the F4F-3 ...
F4F-3 Wildcat - NHHC
First flown in February 1939, the rugged and heavily armed F4F Wildcat became the Navy/Marine Corps premier fighter until late 1942. This F4F-3 is displayed in the markings in which it was...
F4F战斗机 - 百度百科
F4F战斗机(英文:F4F Fighter,又称:F4M,昵称:Wildcat,译文:野猫),是二战期间美国一型单座单发平直翼活塞式舰载战斗机。 F4F战斗机是美国海军与海军陆战队在二战爆发之际最主要的舰载战斗机,也是遏制零战神话与稳定美国在太平洋地区制空权的关键角色。
F4F戰鬥機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
g-36b主要架構仍是f4f-3,英國人選擇了普惠r-1830-s3c4-g發動機,該發動機配備與美軍同等規格之一級二速機械增壓器,原先這個規格導致它在美國政府審核中決定延後交機,但也因此岩燕mk ii得以整合f4f-4的摺疊機翼裝置。
格鲁曼的小老虎们——野猫舰载战斗机简史(上) - 知乎
1940年12月的第五架F4F-3 BuNo.1848,该机制造后归属于游骑兵号航空母舰的VF-4战斗机中队,是中队指挥官机。隐约可见机身侧面的Red Pippers贴花。机身编号4-F-2中的4后面空出来的部分是预先考虑到VF-4更改番号的可能,事实上,1941年3月VF-4便改编号为VF-41。
F4F战斗机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
F4F战斗机 是 美国海军 与 海军陆战队 在 二次世界大战 爆发之际最主要的舰载 战斗机,他的昵称 野猫 (Wild Cat)开启了 格鲁曼公司 以 猫 作为战斗机昵称的传统。 该型战斗机也在 英国皇家海军 服役,被英国飞行员称为 岩燕 (Martlet)。 由于大部分的F2A型因为战斗力低落而被F4F替换,该型战斗机是美国海军和海军陆战队在1941-1942年唯一可用的战斗机。 日本的零式战斗机在速度,机动性和航程都强于F4F,然而依靠坚固的机身和正确的战术,F4F的击落比依旧可观。 …
F4F-3 Wildcat - NNAM
The F4F-3 was the first variant delivered in large numbers, leading the way for a production run of various versions of the Wildcat that totaled 7,825 aircraft. Design: The F4F-3 introduced the “Sto-Wing” method of folding the wings to reduce the aircraft’s …
Grumman F4F Wildcat - Aviation History
First flown in 1939, the F4F-3 Wildcat was Grumman's first monoplane fighter. Originally designed as a biplane, as a follow-up to the F3F-2 biplane fighter, the XF4F (G-16) was turned down by the Navy in favor of Brewster's F2A-1 Brewster Buffalo, the Navy's first monoplane fighter.
F4F-3 | War Thunder Wiki
The F4F-3 was a single-engine all-metal plane with midwing construction, armed with four 12.7 mm M-2 Browning machine guns. Because of its lack of manoeuvrability, the F4F-3 lost to the Japanese fighter in close dogfights, so pilots prefer to avoid such situations by diving out of battle, taking advantage of their aircraft's higher speed.
F4F-3 - 舰娘百科 - 专业性的舰队Collection百科全书 - kcwiki
F4F战斗机是美国海军与海军陆战队在二次世界大战爆发之际最主要的舰载战斗机,他的昵称野猫(Wild Cat)开启了格鲁门公司以猫作为战斗机昵称的传统。