Vought F4U Corsair - Wikipedia
The Vought F4U Corsair is an American fighter aircraft that saw service primarily in World War II and the Korean War. Designed and initially manufactured by Chance Vought, the Corsair was soon in great demand; additional production contracts were given to Goodyear, whose Corsairs were designated FG, and Brewster, designated F3A.
F4U海盜式戰鬥機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
F4U海盜式(F4U Corsair)戰鬥機是美國 海軍所裝備的一種艦載機,自1940年原型機出廠,至1953年最後一架量產機交給法國空軍,她是美國活塞發動機戰機生產史中量產最久的紀錄保持者 [1] [2] [3] ;錢斯沃特在戰爭期間授權 固特異航太公司 ( 英语 : Goodyear Aerospace ...
F4U战斗机 - 百度百科
F4U战斗机(英文:F4U Fighter,编号:F4U,代号/绰号:Corsair,译文:海盗)是美国海军一型螺旋桨式舰载与陆基战斗机。 F4U战斗机为单座单发平直翼布局,加速性能好,火力强大,爬升快,坚固耐用,是美国第一种速度超过640千米/时的战斗机,也是速度最快的 ...
Vought F4U Corsair - Plane-Encyclopedia
F4U-1B – Unofficial post-war denomination to identify Corsairs modified for Fleet Air Arm use. F4U-1C – Ground attack and fighter version, with the 6 X 12,7mm guns replaced by a set of 4 X 20mm AN/M2 (Hispano-Suiza) cannons thus providing considerable firepower for …
F4U Corsairs in the RAF/FAA... - WW2Aircraft.net
2006年3月2日 · Some sources suggest that at least some of the clipped-wing Corsairs supplied to Britain had the US designation of "F4U-1B". Many FAA Corsairs were fitted with rails for launching British 7.62 centimeter (3 inch) unguided "Rocket Projectiles (RPs)". At its peak, the Corsair equipped 19 FAA squadrons.
弯翼的地狱天使——F4U海盗型号辨别 - 哔 ... - 哔哩哔哩
一架F4U-1将发动机换为2650匹马力的R-4360-4型发动机并在引擎后上方增加了一个进气口,螺旋桨换为汉密尔顿13英尺2英寸四叶螺旋桨,WM代表该机使用的引擎别称“Wasp Major” F4U-1WM前方照片. F4U-1WM后方照片. XF2G-1/F2G-1/F2G-2. XF2G-1固特异基于F4U-1WM让FG-1换上R-4360-4发动机,第一批XF2G-1由 FG-1A改来,并保留原有的座舱,第二批XF2G-1由FG-1D改来,驾驶舱盖改为气泡式,并在方向舵下方分增加一辅助方向舵,整个垂尾增高12英寸,F2G-1 …
战机科普:F4U海盗式战斗机 - 哔哩哔哩
2023年3月6日 · XF4U-1于1939年2月安装同时在测试中的XR-2800-4引擎(出力1805匹马力),也是装上该引擎的第一款飞机;在当时,XF4U-1具有美国海军中最大的螺旋桨、最强力的发动机,可说是尖端技术的结晶。 1940年5月29日,原型机首次试飞;虽然首次试飞便发现机体有些故障,但成果而言是很让军方满意:XF4U-1最高时速为每小时650千米,在当时堪称顶尖。 到1942年9月,F4U-1终于开始为美军正式采用。 机体设计. F4U在数方面都与当时的飞机有很 …
F4U CORSAIR - The Bent Wing Bird plane site / F4U-1 Corsair
F4U-1 s delivered to Britain were originally designated F4U-1 Bs by the U. S. Navy. The British called the Vought F4U-1 the Corsair I, and the Corsair I was the only Fleet Air Arm Corsairs not to have eight inches clipped from each wing.
Model Number : F4U-1 - vought
Designed to operate from aircraft carriers and/or land-based facilities. The Corsair became a major challenge to the Japanese during WW II, with 2,140 enemy aircraft destroyed in air combat with the loss of only 189 Corsairs. Excluding service in reserve squadrons, the F4U’s operation with the U.S. Navy lasted over 13 years.
DEAN BERNARD E F4U-1B Aircraft Specs | Aircraft Data
2025年3月7日 · Details on the DEAN BERNARD E F4U-1B aircraft, based on current FAA records. This includes specifications, engine type, and other key details. Share your captured photos of the DEAN BERNARD E F4U-1B, receive attribution and a link. Contact us.
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