Vought F4U Corsair - Wikipedia
The Vought F4U Corsair is an American fighter aircraft that saw service primarily in World War II and the Korean War. Designed and initially manufactured by Chance Vought, the Corsair was soon in great demand; additional production contracts were given to Goodyear, whose Corsairs were designated FG, and Brewster, designated F3A.
F4U-1A | War Thunder Wiki
The F4U-1A is a American naval fighter. It has been in the game since the start of the Open Beta Test prior to Update 1.27. This is the first plane available in the F4U Corsair family of the naval aircraft line and it will give a pilot a good idea of the flight characteristics pertinent to …
Vought F4U Corsair (1940) - Naval Encyclopedia
2022年1月10日 · US Navy Fighter Bomber (1940-76), 12,270 built. Probably the most famous fighter ever designed for any Navy, arguably, was the Vought F4U Corsair. Not only for its production, which went further than the Hellcat, and went shy of their land rivals, the P51 Mustang and P47 Thunderbolt, but certainly outlived them all but its active service.
Vought F4U-1A 'Corsair' - Planes of Fame Air Museum
The Museum's F4U-1A was manufactured in Stratford, Connecticut and delivered on August 31, 1943. The Museum’s F4U-1A is a WWII Combat Veteran. During Operation Cartwheel in the South Pacific, it was shared among several USMC squadrons – VMF 217, and most likely VMF-213, VMF-214, VMF-215, VMF-216, and others.
F4U海盜式戰鬥機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
XF4U-1於1939年2月安裝同時在測試中的XR-2800-4引擎(出力1805匹馬力),也是裝上該引擎的第一款飛機;在當時,XF4U-1具有美國海軍中最大的螺旋槳、最強力的發動機,可說是尖端技術的結晶。 1940年5月29日,原型機首次試飛;雖然首次試飛便發現機體有些故障,但成果而言是很讓軍方滿意:XF4U-1最高時速為每小時650公里,在當時堪稱頂尖。 到1942年9月,F4U-1終於開始為美軍正式採用。 F4U在數方面都與當時的飛機有很大差別。 首先,飛機的機翼採用了倒海 …
F4U战斗机 - 百度百科
F4U战斗机(英文:F4U Fighter [5] ,编号:F4U,代号/绰号:Corsair,译文:海盗)是美国海军一型螺旋桨式舰载与陆基战斗机 [1] 。 F4U战斗机为单座单发平直翼布局,加速性能好,火力强大,爬升快,坚固耐用,是美国第一种速度超过640千米/时的 战斗机 ,也是速度 ...
F4U CORSAIR - The Bent Wing Bird plane site / F4U-1A Corsair
Official documentation and manuals referred to the first Corsairs that had raised cockpits and a redesigned canopy and windscreen with the F4U-1 A Corsair.
Vought F4U Corsair - Plane-Encyclopedia
F4U-6/AU-1 – A re-designated AU-1 (which in turn, was based on a modified F4U-6), which was the ground-attack version in use by the Marine Corps. The AU-1 had extra armour protecting both pilot and fuel tank, as well as extra racks, and the oil coolers relocated inboard to reduce changes of ground fire damage.
Model Number : F4U-1 - vought
Designed to operate from aircraft carriers and/or land-based facilities. The Corsair became a major challenge to the Japanese during WW II, with 2,140 enemy aircraft destroyed in air combat with the loss of only 189 Corsairs. Excluding service in reserve squadrons, the F4U’s operation with the U.S. Navy lasted over 13 years.
Chance Vought F4U-1A Corsair, Single-engine Single-seat Gull …
On 1 October 1940, the XF4U-1 became the first single-engine U.S. fighter to fly faster than 400 mph (640 km/h) by flying at an average ground speed of 405 miles per hour (652 km/h) from Stratford to Hartford. The USAAC’s twin engine Lockheed P-38 Lightning had flown over 400 mph in January-February 1939.