McDonnell Douglas Phantom in UK service - Wikipedia
The McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II was one of the principal combat aircraft of the United Kingdom (UK) from 1968 to 1992. The UK was the first export customer for the US-built F-4 Phantom, which was ordered in the context of political and economic difficulties around British designs for similar aircraft.
F-4幽靈II戰鬥機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
F-4鬼怪II (McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II) [1][2] 是一種 第三代 串列雙座雙發全天候遠程 超音速 攔截機/戰鬥轟炸機,最初是由 美國 麥克唐納飛行器公司 為 美國海軍 研制的 [2]。 由於受到當時 美國國防部長 期望海空軍採用共通機體的壓力, 美國空軍 在1961年同意測試之後與 美國海軍陸戰隊 和 美國海軍 同時採用 [3],成為 美國 少見同時在海空軍服役的戰鬥機。 越南戰爭 期間,F-4除了作為海空軍的主要的制空戰鬥機以外,也在對地攻擊、 戰術偵察 與 壓制敵方防空任 …
McDonnell Douglas Phantom FGR2 - RAF Museum
The FG1 (the version also used by the Royal Navy) in the interceptor role and the FGR2 in the ground attack and tactical reconnaissance role in Germany. From 1977, all the Royal Air Force Phantoms were used exclusively as interceptor fighters over United Kingdom air-space.
McDonnell-Douglas/BAC F-4K/M Phantom II - History
Based upon the F-4J, two UK versions of the Phantom II were produced. The Royal Navy was to receive the F-4K, and the RAF were to get the F-4M. The F-4K, the RN's carrier variant, needed to be made compatible with the RN's carriers, which were rather undersized in comparison with their US counterparts.
McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II - Wikipedia
The McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II[N 1] is an American tandem two-seat, twin-engine, all-weather, long-range supersonic jet interceptor and fighter-bomber that was developed by McDonnell Aircraft for the United States Navy. [4] .
McDonnell Douglas Phantom in UK service - data - Wikipedia
Between 1966 and 1969, 170 Phantoms were specially built for the UK, replacing the de Havilland Sea Vixen in the fleet air defence role for the Royal Navy, and the Hawker Hunter in the close air support and tactical reconnaissance roles in the Royal Air Force.
F-4K (FG.1) / F-4M (FGR.2) PHANTOM II gallery - Weapons Parade
2019年6月14日 · Phantom FGR.2 replaced the Electric Canberra and Hawker Hunter aircrafts for ground attack missions and the English Electric Lightning in air defense missions within the RAF. This allowed a substantial improvement in maintenance costs and logistics, by homogenizing the fleet and reducing the number of different aircraft models.
Tailhook Topics Drafts: The Spey-Powered Phantom Changes
2012年5月7日 · Despite an active interest going back to the first FGR2(F-4M)landing here at Aldergrove in July 1968, you always seem to have some new information to reveal. Regarding your F-4J/K composite side view drawing, I would draw your attention to lowering of the upper outline of the exhaust nozzle with respect to the J model.
英国F-4K 鬼怪II (Phantom II FG.1)战斗机 - 哔 ... - 哔哩哔哩
2024年8月27日 · 鬼怪 FG.1,也称为 F-4K,由 F- 4J经过多处修改而来,包括可折叠的机头机鼻雷达罩和更长的前起落架支柱以适应较小的英国航母,以及安装更大更强劲的劳斯莱斯斯贝涡扇发动机。 从 1968 年 4 月起,舰队航空兵获得了 48 架飞机;然而,问题很快就出现了,斯贝发动机加力燃烧产生的热量会导致飞行甲板钢板弯曲和熔化。 最终,只有皇家方舟号 (R09) 进行了改装以搭载幻影 FG.1,搭载 28 架飞机,这些飞机一直服役到 1978 年皇家方舟号退役,之后这些飞机 …
McDonell Douglas Phantom FGR2 XV406 – Solway Aviation Museum
The Mcdonnell Douglas F4 Phantom II was developed in the 1950s for service with the US Navy and Army Air Corps (USAAC). In the 1960s the government cancelled several major domestic aircraft development programmes, such as TSR2.
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