BIG-IP Virtual Edition - F5
On-premises, in the cloud, or a mix of both, F5 BIG-IP Virtual Edition (VE) delivers app services in ways that let you move faster than hardware allows. BIG-IQ simplifies holistically managing BIG-IP devices and app services at scale.
F5® BIG-IP® Virtual Editions (VEs) are the industry’s most scalable virtual application delivery controllers (vADCs)—facilitating high-performance application trafic processing across all leading hypervisors and cloud platforms and easing your transition from hardware to software.
BIG-IP Virtual Edition - F5
On-premises, in the cloud, or a mix of both, F5 BIG-IP Virtual Edition (VE) enables you to deliver critical app services while moving faster than hardware allows.
BIG-IP 虚拟版(VE) - F5
利用 F5 Cloud Solution Templates,在云中自动部署 BIG-IP VE。 通过硬件卸载,提高 CPU 密集型用例性能。 符合行业标准,如 FIPS 140-2/3 和通用标准。 支持订阅、即付即用、弹性消费计划 (FCP) 或永久许可等消费模式。 与市场上其他任何 vADC 相比,BIG-IP VE 支持的云环境更多,让您可以随意部署应用服务,不受地点和应用位置限制。 将 DDoS 缓解、CGNAT 和加密处理等计算密集型功能卸载到强大的 Intel 组件上,大幅提高性能并减轻 VE 计算资源的压力。
Deploying BIG-IP Virtual Edition - F5, Inc.
To deploy the BIG-IP ® Virtual Edition (VE) system on VMware ESXi®, you need to perform these tasks: Verify the host machine requirements. Deploy an instance of the BIG-IP system as a virtual machine on a host system.
F5 BIG-IP Virtual Edition Supported Platforms - F5, Inc.
F5® BIG-IP® Virtual Edition (VE) is supported on the following platforms. (This document was formerly named Virtual Edition and Supported Hypervisors Matrix.) You can also see the list of unsupported features and Cloud limitations for each F5 …
F5未来说 | F5 VE在云中的价值 - 搜狐
2018年9月25日 · F5现在能够提供的VE,从吞吐量上来看,我们从100M到200M最大可以提供10G,现在如果你的硬件能够满足F5的技术要求的话,可以最大能支持到40G的吞吐量。从整个的云的技术支持上来看,从私有云上,F5最先支持的是VMware、思科。
Getting Started with BIG-IP Virtual Edition - F5, Inc.
BIG-IP ® Virtual Edition (VE) is a version of the BIG-IP system that runs as a virtual machine in specifically-supported hypervisors. BIG-IP VE virtualizes a hardware-based BIG-IP system running a VE-compatible version of BIG-IP ® software.
F5 BIG-IP Virtual Edition in AWS - F5, Inc.
To view recent F5 BIG-IP and F5 BIG-IQ security advisories, visit the MyF5 Document Center, enter “CVE” in the search field, filter your results by Product, and then select the Security Advisory option in the Content Type filter. For the latest list of known and fixed vulnerabilities, sort the CVE results by Date. ⠀ ⠀ User Guides.
K14810: Overview of BIG-IP VE license and throughput limits - F5, …
2018年11月16日 · This article discusses throughput limits and license enforcement criteria for the BIG-IP Virtual Edition (VE) license. Throughput and vCPU restrictions.