Ferrari F50 GT - Wikipedia
The Ferrari F50 GT (also known as the Ferrari F50 GT1) is a racing derivative of the Ferrari F50, intended to compete in the BPR Global GT Series against other series rivals, such as the …
Ferrari F50 GT (1996) - Ferrari.com
了解法拉利F50 GT赛车的所有技术规格,1996年:尺寸、车轮和轮胎、悬架、性能以及油耗。
【未走完的路】法拉利F50 GT - 哔哩哔哩
法拉利F50 GT是基于街车版F50改造的赛道版。 打算参加当时的BPR全球GT系列赛,同其他对手竞争,如迈凯轮F1 GTR。 然而在该赛事合并后,法拉利对新的国际汽联世界锦标赛获准使用 …
法拉利 F50 GT:法拉利历史 - Ferrari
探索法拉利F50 GT,在1996年推出搭载4698.50 cc发动机的运动跑车:法拉利历史
1996 Ferrari F50 GT: One of three | Classic Driver Magazine
2012年12月8日 · Faster than an Enzo or McLaren F1 road car, harder to find than any F40, 288 GTO or F50 road car, the F50 GT remains one of Ferrari’s best-kept secrets. Euro-Classics is …
法拉利f50 - 百度百科
根据厂家公布的数据,F50GT采用V12、4.7L发动机,最大动力为510kW,最高车速为379.8km/h,百公里加速时间为3S左右,使它成为最快的法拉利之一,比著名的333SP赛车还 …
Ferrari F50 GT – The Greatest Car That Never Raced
2019年9月10日 · Ferrari decided to use the new and limited super sports car F50 as a new homologation basis. They wanted this car to follow the F40 GTE as the engine already fit …
1996 Ferrari F50 GT - Images, Specifications and Information
2004年12月1日 · Described as an F1 racer for the streets, the F50 already incorporated many racing car design features. Outwardly the F50 GT was easily recognizable through its altered …
1996 Ferrari F50 GT - Top Speed
2006年1月3日 · Significantly more exclusive than the F40, the F50 was built in only 349 units over two years and hit the streets with a 4.7-liter V-12 under the hood. The powerplant was based …
Ferrari F50 GT (1996) - Ferrari.com
Discover all the specifications of the Ferrari F50 GT, 1996: dimensions, wheel and tyres, suspension, and performance.