Vought XF5U - Wikipedia
The Vought XF5U "Flying Flapjack" was an experimental U.S. Navy fighter aircraft designed by Charles H. Zimmerman for Vought during World War II. This unorthodox design consisted of a flat, somewhat disc-shaped body (resembling a flying flapjack /pancake, hence its nickname) serving as the lifting surface. [1] .
F5U战机 - 百度百科
F5U战机,绰号“飞行薄饼”(Flying Pancake),是美国40年代的一款试验机,设计要求能在航母上短距起降,并有良好的操纵性能,1947年完成试验后因美军决定不再装备螺旋桨飞机而未能量产。
Fluorouracil - Wikipedia
Fluorouracil (5-FU, 5-fluorouracil), sold under the brand name Adrucil among others, is a cytotoxic chemotherapy medication used to treat cancer. [3] . By intravenous injection it is used for treatment of colorectal cancer, oesophageal cancer, stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer, breast cancer, and cervical cancer. [3] .
画饼充饥-看起来很美的F5U - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
XF5U-1发动机是R-2000,这是运输机主打发动机,主要是DC4和C54用,动力并不强。 至于为什么选这种东西来改,估计只有尺寸比较合适一个理由了。 飞饼配置了废气涡轮,还是那句话,跟日常的认知不一样,美国海航非常希望他们的战斗机有足够的高空性能,只是他们不接受低空性能很差的纯粹高空战斗机。 海军航空局在44年之后出具了XF5U-1的ACP,作为预估的性能文件,因为这东西并没有实际试飞,所以只有采纳这一份估计的数据。 1,燃油和航程: 内油300加仑, …
F5U - Wikipedia
F5U may refer to 5-FU, technical name of the drug Fluorouracil; Vought XF5U "Flying Flapjack", experimental U.S. Navy fighter aircraft
Vought XF5U Flying Flapjack - Old Machine Press
2017年2月5日 · Armament for the XF5U consisted of six .50-cal machine guns—three guns stacked on each side of the cockpit—with 400 rpg. The lower four guns were interchangeable with 20 mm cannons, but the proposed rpg for the cannons has not been found. Two hardpoints under the aircraft could each accommodate a 1,000 lb (454 kg) bomb.
飞行的薄饼:F5U - 哔哩哔哩
F5U战机,绰号“飞行薄饼”(Flying Pancake),是美国40年代的一款试验机,设计要求能在航母上短距起降,并有良好的操纵性能,1947年完成试验后因美军决定不再装备螺旋桨飞机而未能量产。
XF5U "Flying Pancake" Vought-Sikorsky V-173 "Zimmer Skimmer"
While continuing production of the F4U Corsair, Vought developed the SV5U "Flying Pancake" of "Flying Flapjack" which gained its nickname because of its flattened, rounded shape, and the F6U...
2020年9月20日 · XF5U-1配备了两台1600马力的普惠R-2000双黄蜂空冷星型发动机,与机身融为一体,左右对称布置,驱动机翼前缘两端伸出的巨大的四叶金属螺旋桨。 XF5U-1的发动机和螺旋桨内部布局示意图,发动机与螺旋桨之间采用了很长的转轴连接. 如何对抗翼尖涡流带来的空气阻力、提升飞机的飞行速度与航程,是齐默尔曼团队从V-173验证机阶段就一直在思考的问题。 终于,齐默尔曼想到了一个巧妙的解决方法:让两个螺旋桨朝着翼尖涡流的流动方向反方向旋转! …
F5U | 一款史上最萌的实力战机 - 网易
2018年6月13日 · F5U战机,绰号“飞行薄饼”(Flying Pancake),是40年代美国海军的一架实验性战斗机,在第二次世界大战期间由Charles H. Zimmerman设计。 设计要求能在航母上短距起降,并有良好的操纵性能。
The Pancake that Didn’t Fly
World War II and the following decade marked a period of intensive aircraft development: turbojet and rocket propulsion, flying wings, parasite fighters and reconnaissance planes, and ten-engine bombers, among other innovations. 1 Most of these efforts were successful. But the XF5U-1—called the “flying pancake”—was an abject failure.
XF5U:造型诡异的飞行薄饼_百科TA说 - 百度百科
海军决定投资建造一架全尺寸验证机,这就是代号V-173/军方代号XF5U的验证机由来。 和态度激进的空军不同,海军对待新技术的态度一向是保守谨慎的。 齐默尔曼首先建造了一架木制模型机, 经过一年的研究后才制造出正式的V-173验证机。 这架外形非常接近一个圆盘的飞机,在康涅狄格州的斯特拉斯福德进行了差不多200个小时的试飞。 由于试飞期间被人看到, 引发了美国UFO观测史上极为有名的斯特拉斯福德飞碟目击事件。 除了这件乌龙案件,V-173试飞的结果整体上还 …
2017年3月6日 · F5U战机是美国海军的一架实验性战斗机,在第二次世界大战期间由Charles H. Zimmerman(查尔斯 H.齐默尔曼)设计。 这种非正统的设计包括一个平的,有点圆盘形的物体(因此它的名字)作为起重表面。
5-氟尿嘧啶 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
5-氟尿嘧啶 (英語: fluorouracil,简写为 5-FU 或 f5U)是一种 嘧啶类似物,主要用于治疗 肿瘤。 5-氟尿嘧啶属于 抗代谢药 的一种。 常与 亚叶酸 (leucovorin)合并使用。 二氟化氙 与 尿嘧啶 反应后,会产生5-氟尿嘧啶。 化疗药5-Fu於1956年取得專利,1962年開始用於醫療,被列為 世界衛生組織基本藥物 [1]。 用于治疗肿瘤已超過50余年,可通过多种途径发挥作用,其中最主要的作用方式是作为 胸苷酸合成酶抑制剂,阻断 DNA复制 的必需原料—— 胸腺嘧啶 的合成。 胸苷 …
Fluorouracil (5FU) | Cancer information | Cancer Research UK
2023年7月26日 · Fluorouracil is a type of chemotherapy. It is also known as 5FU. You pronounce fluorouracil as floor-oh-yoor-uh-sil. It is a treatment for a number of different cancer types. How does fluorouracil work? Fluorouracil is part of a group of …
Fluorouracil, 5-FU injection - Cleveland Clinic
What is this medication? FLUOROURACIL, 5-FU (flure oh YOOR a sil) is a chemotherapy drug. It slows the growth of cancer cells. This medicine is used to treat many types of cancer like breast cancer, colon or rectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, and stomach cancer. Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center.
Fluorouracil Injection - NCI - National Cancer Institute
Fluorouracil injection is approved to treat: Breast cancer. Colorectal cancer. Gastric (stomach) cancer. Pancreatic cancer. Fluorouracil is also called 5-FU. Fluorouracil is also being studied in the treatment of other conditions and types of cancer. Fluorouracil is …
5-FU - Chemocare
FLUOROURACIL (flure oh YOOR a sil) treats some types of cancer. It works by slowing down the growth of cancer cells. This medicine may be used for other purposes; ask your health care provider or pharmacist if you have questions. What should I tell my care team before I take this medication? This medication is injected into a vein.
Fluorouracil - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
2024年2月16日 · Fluorouracil, also known as 5-fluorouracil or 5-FU, belongs to the class of chemotherapy drugs used to treat various neoplasms. Systemic fluorouracil is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of gastric adenocarcinoma, pancreatic adenocarcinoma, breast adenocarcinoma, and colorectal adenocarcinoma.