F7A Hornet Mk II - Star Citizen Wiki
6 天之前 · The Anvil F7A Hornet Mk II is the cutting-edge carrier-based fighter revamped from the older F7A Hornet model, the UEE military version of the Hornet. [1] Originally only available to the military, currently used by United Empire of Earth Navy special forces and elite squadrons, it is now available to civilians through the Civilian Defense ...
The F7A Hornet Mk II - Roberts Space Industries | Follow the ...
Low-signature fighter built for scouting and ambushing unaware foes. The Super Hornet is back and upgraded to Mk II spec, making it deadlier than ever. The only Hornet model with two seats, it features a dedicated gunner’s turret for increased firepower, accuracy, and all …
F7 Hornet Mk II series/Paints - Star Citizen Wiki
4 天之前 · These hull skins, more commonly referred to as "Paints", are liveries specifically created for the F7 Hornet Mk II series vehicles, manufactured by Anvil Aerospace. At present, these liveries can be swapped using the "Vehicles" tab on the player's mobiGlas.
F7A 大黄蜂 Mk II - 星际公民中文百科
铁砧航天 的 F7A 大黄蜂 Mk II,人类帝国的尖端的舰载战斗机,是从较旧的 F7A 大黄蜂 型号改进而来的,该型号是 大黄蜂家族 的 军用 版本。 [1] 虽然最初只提供给军方使用,但目前也同时被 地球联合帝国海军 的特种部队和精英中队使用,现在通过 民事防御部队 的 超速协议 任务向平民开放。 [2] F7A Mk II在战场上可谓一架真正的战争机器,其机翼下方装备有一对尺寸4的机炮,机身上方和机头炮塔共装备有四门尺寸3的机炮,另外还有一对尺寸4的导弹架。 大黄蜂系列一直是 …
is the Hornet MkII worth it? : r/starcitizen - Reddit
The F7A Mk.II looks to be a very significant upgrade over the F7C Mk.II in that all of its guns go up by one to two sizes (F7A Mk.II has 2x S4 and 4x S3; erkul shows the Mk.II as being able to equip the normal Hornet Nose and Ball turrets; if true, this …
F7A 大黄蜂 - 星际公民中文百科
F7A 大黄蜂 是 地球联合帝国海军 首屈一指的舰载战斗机,他是军事作战任务中的前线进攻舰船。 它虽然不能航行较远的距离,但它可以承受住攻击,并做出连续且有力的回击。 [1] 注意:以下数据基于从 Alpha 3.13.1 中提取的数据。 由于该船正处于积极开发的状态,所以某些组件可能是占位符。 F7A 大黄蜂 Mk II: F7A 大黄蜂 Mk II 是大黄蜂的最新军用型号。 由 地球联合帝国海军 的精英飞行员驾驶。 [2] F7A-R 大黄蜂 追踪者:F7A-R 大黄蜂 追踪者 是大黄蜂 追踪者的军用版本 …
Category:F7 Hornet Mk II series - Star Citizen Wiki
6 天之前 · The Anvil F7A Hornet Mk II is the cutting-edge carrier-based fighter revamped from the older F7A Hornet model, the UEE military version of the Hornet. [6] Originally only available to the military, currently used by United Empire of Earth Navy special forces and elite squadrons, it is now available to civilians through the Civilian Defense ...
[星际公民]F7A MK2“中流砥柱” 船只介绍&改装&配置&适用条件
F7A Hornet MK II + F7 MK II Paint Superiority Pack
The UEE Navy's premier carrier-based fighter craft, the F7A is the front-line attack ship for military combat missions. While not outfitted for long range runs, the Hornet can take her share of hits... and dish out a consistent, powerful response.
Star Citizen - Ship for sale/rental - Anvil F7A Hornet Mk II
Ushering in a new age of space superiority, Anvil Aerospace has re-engineered the celebrated Hornet for the next generation of fighter combat. Purpose built for the UEE Navy, the F7A Hornet Mk II maintains the spirit of the original while incorporating even more powerful offensive capabilities. Not Sold directly or at all. New to Star Citizen?
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