F90A Gundam F90 Assault Type | The Gundam Wiki | Fandom
The F90A Gundam F90 Assault Type is one of the many mission packs developed for the F90 Gundam F90 by the Strategic Naval Research Institute. The Gundam F90 Assault Type (or "A-Type" for short) is designed for extended travelling and combat operations. It is capable of infiltrating deep into enemy territory rapidly and then launching pinpoint ...
機動戰士鋼彈F90 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
《機動戰士鋼彈f90》(機動戦士ガンダムf90)是山口宏的鋼彈漫畫系列作品 ,在1990年萬代發售連串的鋼普拉模型的計劃,為計劃基礎發表的漫畫等作品。
【科普】高达F90 A to Z 26个装备形态 - 哔哩 ... - 哔哩哔哩
通称为「Destroid」型的接近战式样机,开发的目的是对目标据点进行精确打击并以近距离MS战来压制敌军主力,因此装备了两门头部60mm火神炮,两柄光束剑、两枚腕部5连装火箭弹发射器,一支右腰部MEGA加特林枪,两枚肩部4连装榴弹发射器,一面专用盾牌,一支专用光束步枪和一枚腰部MS爆破弹发射器等大量诸如榴弹炮、MS爆破弹、火箭弹、重机关枪等近距离武器,此外为了保证机体的高机动性,机体还额外增加了推进器和姿势喷嘴同时在接近战开始后,机体还可以 …
F90高达 - 百度百科
F90高达是出自漫画《机动战士高达F90》的机体。本机是海军战略研究所(Strategic Naval Research Institute)进行的MS小型化计划中制造的试作机,F90不仅具有高出力、高机动性的特点,而且由于设置了11个外挂点,使得机体可以选装极为丰富的部件并进行混成装备。
机动战士高达F90 - 高达WIKI_BWIKI_哔哩哔哩
地球联邦军第13实验部队被编成地球联邦军第13独立机动舰队,为了夺回F90高达二号机向吉翁军的根据地前往火星。 这里是由机动战士高达爱好者自发组建的高达WIKI,收录了全机体数据库、动漫作品资料,希望更多的铁粉能加入。
F90 Gundam F90 - MAHQ
2022年3月2日 · Initially, two F90 units were constructed for test flights and evaluations, but a third unit was built by UC 0116. Another notable feature of the Gundam F90 was its built-in AI system based on the combat records of ace pilots Amuro Ray (Unit 1), …
F90D Gundam F90 Destroid Type | The Gundam Wiki | Fandom
The F90D Gundam F90 Destroid Type is one of the many mission packs developed for the F90 Gundam F90 by the Strategic Naval Research Institute. The Gundam F90 Destroid Type (or "D-Type" for short) is designed to overpower the enemy's main force and has high mobility as well as heavy firepower.
F90M Gundam F90 Marine Type | The Gundam Wiki | Fandom
The F90 M-Type has two rocket launchers, containing three projectiles each, attached to the forearms. The rocket packs are for anti-MS purposes. Instead of a beam saber (which work terribly underwater), the F90 M-Type uses a combat knife for melee combat and its blade can be heated. When not used, the knife is stored on left side armor hardpoint.
F90D Gundam F90 D-Type - MAHQ
2022年3月2日 · One of many F90 Gundam F90 optional armament variations developed by the Earth Federation Forces’ SNRI during the UC 0110s and 0120s, the F90D Gundam F90 D-Type (Destroid) was designed to work as a balance between a bulky long-range fire support unit and a lighter and faster close-combat unit.
F90A Gundam F90 A-Type - MAHQ
2022年3月2日 · One of many F90 Gundam F90 optional armament variations developed by the Earth Federation Forces’ SNRI during the UC 0110s and 0120s, the F90A Gundam F90 A-Type (Assault) was designed to perform surgical strikes against enemy bases and encampments. Equipped with a set of Minovsky craft unit/propellant tank packs on its arms and legs, the F90 ...