Sizing Icons - Font Awesome Docs
fa-2xs: 0.625em: 10px: fa-xs: 0.75em: 12px: fa-sm: 0.875em: 14px: fa-lg: 1.25em: 20px: fa-xl: 1.5em: 24px: fa-2xl: 2em: 32px: Sizing on the Smaller Side . Font Awesome’s icons are designed to render crisply at the equivalent of 16px. While we provide utilities to decrease their size, it’s industry and our best practice to avoid rendering ...
Style Cheatsheet - Font Awesome Docs
fa-2xs: Changes an icon’s font-size to 0.625em (~10px) and also vertically aligns icon: fa-xs: Changes an icon’s font-size to .75em (~12px) and also vertically aligns icon: ... Set an fa-flip icon’s x-coordinate of the vector denoting the axis of rotation: Any valid CSS number value between 0 and 1
设置图标尺寸 - FontAwesome 字体图标中文Icon
设置图标尺寸 #相对尺寸 图标继承其父容器的字体大小,这允许它们匹配您可能使用的任何文本。 使用以下类,我们可以相对于继承的字体大小增加或减少图标的大小。
Size Icons - Font Awesome Docs
Both our Web Fonts + CSS and SVG + JS frameworks include some basic controls for sizing icons in the context of your page’s UI. Relative Sizing
Font Awesome Solid Icon | Font Awesome
By the power of fa-skull… Font Awesome Font Awesome Go Make Something Awesome Font Awesome is the internet's icon library and toolkit used by millions of designers, developers, and content creators.
樣式秘笈 | Font Awesome 文件
fa-6x: 將圖示的 font-size 改為 6em: fa-7x: 將圖示的 font-size 改為 7em: fa-8x: 將圖示的 font-size 改為 8em: fa-9x: 將圖示的 font-size 改為 9em: fa-10x: 將圖示的 font-size 改為 10em: fa-2xs: 將圖示的 font-size 改為 0.625em (~10px),並垂直對齊圖示: fa-xs: 將圖示的 font-size 改為 …
html - Font Awesome icon size not increasing - Stack Overflow
Jun 19, 2017 · For some reason the fa class is overriding the fa-2x class on the awesome font library. I found a blog that they knew it was an issue back in 2014 but haven't addressed it yet. On my site I added the style class again and added !important which fixed my problem. <style> .fa-2x{ font-size:2em !important; }; </style> Share. Improve this answer ...
Font Awesome Cheatsheet - Michał Bryłka | Devexcellence
Oct 5, 2022 · FA provides list of standard sizes. Not only do these classes scale icons up or down but also provide appropriate vertical alignment. ... Equivalent in Pixels Example; fa-2xs: 0.625em: 10px: fa-xs: 0.75em: 12px: fa-sm: 0.875em: 14px: fa-lg: 1.25em: 20px: fa-xl: 1.5em: 24px: fa-2xl: 2em: 32px: In addition to relative sizes, also literal sizes ...
make font apex icons smaller then fa-sm - Oracle Forums
Mar 2, 2022 · Hi. I have a grid column acting as a action column using "iconCls":"fa fa-check green-icon" I try using fa-sm or fa-xs or fa-2xs with the fa and without the fa to get the icon to be smaller then the default, none of these work.
Icons - Hinode
Stacking Icons . Use the fa-stack class on the parent HTML element of the two icons you want to stack. Then add the fa-stack-1x class for the regularly sized icon and add the fa-stack-2x class for the larger icon.fa-inverse can be added to the icon with the fa-stack-1x to help with a knock-out looking effect. Add a Theme Color such as text-primary to change the color of the icon.