KAI T-50 Golden Eagle - Wikipedia
The radar of the FA-50 has a range two-thirds greater than the TA-50's radar. [24] The EL/M-2032 was initially chosen over Lockheed Martin 's preferred AN/APG-67 (V)4 and SELEX Vixen 500E active electronically scanned array (AESA) radars.
FA-50 Light Combat Aircraft, South Korea - Air Force Technology
2023年4月28日 · The wide range of weapon systems aboard the FA-50 jet allows it to counter multiple threats in today’s complex battlefield scenario. The FA-50 platform will be integrated with Lockheed Martin’s Sniper advanced targeting pod (ATP), which is an electro-optical targeting system encased in a single, lightweight pod.
FA-50战斗攻击机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
FA-50戰鷹(FA-50 Fighting Eagle)战斗攻击机 (原先型號稱為A-50),是 韩国航空宇宙产业 (Korea Aerospace Industries,KAI)在 T-50金鷹式高級教練機 基础上 研发 的首款 韩国 生产轻型 攻击机 [2],用来取代 F-5E/F [3]。 FA-50战斗攻击机2011年5月首飞成功 [1],2013年8月交付 韩国空军,2014年10月正式投入实战部署 [4]。 该 战机 最高能以1.5 马赫 的速度飞行,最大载重能力达4.5吨 [3]。 FA-50装配有数据链和脉冲多普勒 雷达,能同时追踪10个目标并攻击其中2 …
KAI FA-50 Fighting Eagle - Aero Corner
The FA-50 Golden Eagle is a light combat aircraft built for the Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF) by Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI). It is the most advanced version of TA-50 with greater internal fuel capacity, improved avionics, a longer radome, and a tactical datalink.
KAI T-50 / FA-50 Golden Eagle - Military Factory
2023年6月14日 · The engine provides full afterburning capabilities which supply short bursts of speed to the aircraft - maximum speed being 1,100 miles per hour at 10,000 feet. Operational range is 1,150 miles with a service ceiling of 48,000 feet.
FA-50战机 - 百度百科
FA-50战斗机是韩国自主研发的一款战斗机,是 T-50“金鹰”教练机 的改良型。 该战机最高时速达1.5马赫,最大载重4.5吨。 该战机将逐步替代韩国军队老旧的 F-5 E/F等战机。 2014年10月30日,韩国总统朴槿惠出席在 江原道 原州机场举行的“国产战斗机FA-50投入实战部署纪念仪式”并试乘战斗机。 韩国产FA-50战机投入实战部署。 [1] FA-50是超音速高教机T-50的改良型。 该战机最高时速达1.5马赫,最大载重4.5吨。 FA-50攻击机由T-50教练机衍生而来,机体尺寸、武装、发 …
韩国FA 50轻型战斗机的空战性能如何? - 知乎
Single-seat FA-50 to have 30% better range than current two-seater
2024年5月2日 · The planned single-seat version of the Korea Aerospace Industries FA-50 light attack jet will have a 30% range improvement over the current two-seater.
The KAI FA-50 will be available in a single-seat version by South …
2024年5月7日 · In fact, the FA-50 Block 20, in its current version which remains two-seater, displays a maximum speed of Mach 1,5, a ceiling close to 15 meters, and a range of 000 km, allowing it to have an operational range of around 1 km, close to that of an F-800, which however carries twice as many external loads.
A-50 / FA-50 Light Combat Aircraft - GlobalSecurity.org
Integrating advanced tactical radar with conventional and precision guided munitions, A-50 is designed to perform multi-role, air-to-air and air-to-ground missions. Its air-to-air capability...