FAO Fishing Zone – Welcome
FAO FISHERY ZONES (World Map) ARCTIC SEA (Fishing Zone 18) ATLANTIC, NORTHWEST (Fishing Zone 21) ATLANTIC, NORTHEAST (Fishing Zone 27) ... PACIFIC, SOUTHEAST (Fishing Zone 87) PACIFIC, ANTARCTIC (Fishing Zone 88) Make a Difference Today and Become Sustainable. join today. The New Standard In …
Area 87 – Pacific, Southeast - Europa
PACIFIC, SOUTHEAST (Major Fishing Area 87). CWP Data Collection. In: FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department.
Zona 87 – Pacífico, sudoriental - Europa
PACIFIC, SOUTHEAST (Major Fishing Area 87). CWP Data Collection. In: FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department.
FAO Major Fishing Areas - Wikipedia
The FAO Major Fishing Areas are areas in the world in what the Food and Agriculture Organization has divided the fishery. This definition is required for the statistical data-gathering, the management of fisheries and jurisdictional purposes.
FAO Fisheries Circular No. 920 FIRM/C920
FAO Statistical Area 87. INTRODUCTION. This Statistical Area has a total extension of 30.02 million km2 off the western coast of South America, from northern Colombia to southern Chile, and includes a total continental shelf surface of 0.57 million km2 (Figure B15.1).
FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department - Food and Agriculture ...
Statistical area/division of the state of Washington, Oregon and California, used by the North Pacific Commission for Salmon Fisheries. Pacific, Northwest; Pacific, Western Central; possible modification to boundary between areas 71 and 61 and 74 (enlargement).
Area 87 (Pacific, Southeast) - Fishery Progress
In Chile, two management units have been established: (i) Artisanal Fishing Area (APA) from the Arica and Parinacota region to 47°S, and (ii) Bidded Fishing Unit (UPL) from 47°S to 57°S (preferably industrial with an auction regime), both extending from the coastline to the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).
The status of fishery resources - openknowledge.fao.org
Pacific Ocean (areas 61, 67, 71, 77, 81, 87) The Northwest Pacific (area 61) has the highest fisheries production among the FAO Major Fishing Areas, with 19.3 million tonnes of aquatic animals and accounting for 23.8 percent of global marine fisheries production in 2021.
Zona FAO 87: Opportunità e Sfide per la Pesca Sostenibile
La Zona FAO 87 rappresenta un’area marittima di grande importanza per la biodiversità e la sostenibilità degli ecosistemi marini. Situata nelle acque dell’Atlantico sud-occidentale, questa zona è oggetto di monitoraggio e gestione per preservare le risorse ittiche e promuovere pratiche di pesca responsabili.
FAO Map Catalog - Food and Agriculture Organization of the …
Central (Subarea 87.2 of FAO Major Area 87) The FAO major fishing areas for statistical purpose are defined by the CWP handbook of fishery statistical standards available at http://www.fao.org/fishery/cwp/handbook/h/en