FB MSBS Grot - Wikipedia
The MSBS Grot (Polish: Modułowy System Broni Strzeleckiej „Grot”, English: Modular Firearm System "Grot") is a family of modular rifles developed and manufactured by FB Radom. Early …
MSBS-5.56 模块化武器系统 - 枪炮世界
MSBS-5.56 是“模块化轻武器系统”(Modułowy Systema Broni Strzeleckiej 5.56)的缩写。 该武器系统在2009年首次公布原型枪,当时的原型枪在外观还比较“简易”。 2010年的时候参考作了 …
FB MSBS Grot - Internet Movie Firearms Database
The MSBS Grot (Modułowy System Broni Strzeleckiej, "Module-based Firearm System"; rendered in official Polish sources as "MSBS GROT") is a Polish next-generation modular rifle system …
FB MSBS Grot | Military Wiki | Fandom
The FB Radom MSBS Grot (Polish language: Modułowy System Broni Strzeleckiej „Grot”, English: Modular Firearm System "Spearhead") is a modular assault rifle developed and …
MSBS GROT - Fabryka Broni
The MSBS GROT Sling Mount (Index FB 328-80-100-000) allows for attaching a carry strap on one side (via the loop) with a mounting tape no wider than 20mm, and on the other side, it …
FB Grot | Gun Wiki - Fandom
The WAT-FB Grot (a Polish word referring to the tip of various pointed weapons such as arrows, darts and javelins), formerly known as the MSBS Radon or the MSBS-5.56 (Modułowy System …
FB MSBS - Military Wiki
MSBS-5,56 Radon (short for Modułowy System Broni Strzeleckiej kalibru 5,56 mm - Radon or English: Modular Firearm System 5.56mm Calibre - Radon) is an assault rifle currently under …
FB MSBS Grot explained - Everything Explained Today
The MSBS Grot (pl|Modułowy System Broni Strzeleckiej „Grot”, en|Modular Firearm System "Grot") is a family of modular rifles developed and manufactured by FB Radom. Early …
FB MSBS Grot - Warface Wiki
The FB MSBS Grot is an Assault Rifle. Overview. Its Iron Sight gives 1.1x zoom and reduces zoom in duration by 35%. Attachments. Muzzle: Shared Silencer; Assault Silencer; Assault …
2021年2月1日 · 出问题的波兰新步枪,全称FB Radom MSBS Grot,FB Radom是其生产厂商,MSBS是波兰语Modułowy System Broni Strzeleckiej缩写,意为模块化枪械系统,Grot则是 …