FB60 in SAP: How to post a Purchase Invoice - Guru99
2024年7月2日 · The tutorial demonstrates step by step on how to post a purchase invoice in SAP. Enter transaction FB60 in SAP Command Field.
FB60 in SAP: How to Create a Vendor Invoice - SAPFICOBLOG
2020年7月28日 · Tutorial on how to create a vendor invoice using tcode FB60 in SAP. Learn about the FB60 accounting entry and table ACDOCA.
SAP最佳业务实践:FI–应付账款(158)-4 FB60过帐供应商发票
您从供应商处收到发票并在系统中进行过帐。 供应商的物料发票被过帐到物料模块中,有关详细信息,请参见文档。 您还可以为除物料(如下文中列举的费用)之外的其他项目在 FI 中过帐发 …
FB60 create a Vendor invoice - Sapsharks
2018年8月18日 · Create a vendor invoice through FB60. This step is used if you are not creating an invioce through a purchase order and creating it directly instead.
What is the difference between F-43, FB60 and FB65?? - SAP …
2007年6月11日 · Difference between FB60 and FB65 is that in Debit/Credit indicator field Credit is defaulted for FB65 (as it is intended for Vendor Credit Memo) and Debit is Defaulted for FB60 …
替代(substitution)实例教程-FB60中替代文本 - CSDN博客
2024年3月18日 · 本文详细介绍了FI模块中替代技术的工作原理、创建步骤,包括GGB1中的设置、用户出口的编写、YAF_SUBEXIT的定义以及如何通过OBBH激活替代。 以FB60为例,展示 …
SAP 中的 FB60:如何过帐采购发票 · Guru99 中文系列教程 · 看云
原文: https://www.guru99.com/how-to-post-a-purchase-invoice.html. 选择税收指示器“计算税收”。 输入要过帐发票的客户的供应商 ID。
SAP FB60 TCode Enter Incoming Invoices (Posting and Settling)
One such TCode is FB60, which provides access to Enter Incoming Invoices / Posting and Settling SAP screen functionality within R/3 SAP (Or S/4HANA) systems, depending on your …
SAP Transaction FB60: A Comprehensive Guide for SAP Users
SAP Transaction FB60 (Enter Incoming Invoices) is a key transaction code used in SAP FI to create vendor invoices. It allows users to enter and post incoming invoices received from …
SAP FI - Post Purchase Invoice - Online Tutorials Library
Use the T-code FB60 for an incoming invoice or go to Accounting → Financial Accounting → Accounts Payable → Document Entry → Invoice. Enter the company code you want to post …