MP5/10冲锋枪 - 枪炮世界
10mm口径的MP5冲锋枪(简称MP5/10)是HK公司在1991年根据美国FBI提出的要求研制生产的。 FBI所配备的手枪主要是使用10mm AUTO弹的,而且他们感到现有的发射9mm子弹的冲锋枪威力不足,出于后勤供应及作战效能的考虑,FBI提出要为其HRT(人质拯救队)及其他特种部队配备10mm AUTO口径的冲锋枪。 于是,HK公司在原有的9mm口径的MP5基础上改进,研制出发射10mm AUTO弹的MP5/10冲锋枪。 除了FBI外,美国不少城市、州、联邦等一些执法部门也有 …
Heckler & Koch MP5/10 | Weaponsystems.net
Since the MP5/10 was introduced in 1992 they only come with late MP5 features, such as wide "tropical" grips and late model trigger groups. Due to the modularity of the MP5 a wide range …
Heckler & Koch MP5 - Wikipedia
The Heckler & Koch MP5 (German: Maschinenpistole 5, lit. 'Submachine gun 5') is a submachine gun developed in the 1960s by German firearms manufacturer Heckler & Koch.
MP5/10 & 40 Series - HKPRO Forums
2020年10月13日 · FBI has about 1,400 of these MP5s in inventory, but aside from them, the 10mm MP5 has been eclipsed by the sale of the much more popular MP5/40. In a concession to American preference, a bolt hold open device was added. The model above was photographed with the early translucent magazines reminiscent of the new G36 series magazines.
Why did H&K discontinued The MP5/10 and MP5/40? | HKPRO Forums
2008年2月21日 · They are still highly favored weapons within the FBI, especially at HRT and in the FBI SWAT teams. Though they have been replaced in some cases with 5.56mm carbines, they still "soldier" on. Eventually they will be phased out but more due to the lack of parts available due to being out of series production now for some years.
MP5/10: FBI's super-charged submachine gun, with firearms …
MP5/10: FBI's super-charged submachine gun, with firearms expert Jonathan Ferguson. In this week’s episode, Jonathan unveils a cult classic firearm—the MP5, but with a twist. Discover the...
H&K MP5/10 MP5/40 - wargamehk.com
聯邦調查局 (FBI) 對 MP5/10 非常感興,當中亦在發展資金上給予 H&K 很大的支持。 單單 FBI 便有 1400 支MP5/10 ,主要給 HRT 使用,是首個大量採用 MP5/10 的部門。 在外觀上 MP5/10 和一般MP5系列分別不大,外部組件可互用 (如護木、槍托等)。 H&K在 FBI 的要求下為 MP5/10 加入了 Bolt Hold Device (在發射最後一發後,退彈口便扣在開啟狀態),如手槍一般可清楚看到槍機的清況。 MP5/10 在外觀上和一般MP5系列的分別在彈匣上,由於10mm 的彈殼是平直而不像9mm …
Royal Armouries FBI MP5/10 video | HKPRO Forums
2023年12月2日 · The MP5/10’s had a much broader deployment than the FBI HRT, as the FBI bought more than 5,000 of the guns and they were deployed across the country for field offices. There are some of these MP5/10’s still in FBI armories at this time, but actual use today is likely minimal or non-existent.
FBI still using 10mm Auto in HK MP5/10? | Glock Talk
2012年4月8日 · Is the FBI still making use of the 10mm Auto in the HK MP5/10? I've heard yes, but haven't been able to verify. Can anyone say either way, and if so, to what extent?
FBI SWAT member armed with the 10mm version of the MP5
A longtime Beretta aficionado, he'd decided that his men would use the recent .45 Beretta as their personal sidearms, along with the Heckler & Koch MP-10 submachine gun, the new version of the venerable MP-5, chambered instead for the 10-mm Smith & Wessen cartridge developed in the 1980s for the American FBI."
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