mp-30: Cu (cubic, Fm-3m, 225) - material
Cu is Copper structured and crystallizes in the cubic Fm-3m space group. The structure is three-dimensional. Cu is bonded to twelve equivalent Cu atoms to form a mixture of corner, edge, and face-sharing CuCu12 cuboctahedra. All Cu–Cu bond lengths are 2.56 Å.
铜单质及其氧化物(氧化亚铜,氧化铜)的所有晶型的XRD数据的 …
本人做含铜的催化剂,由有机合成转至材料催化方向,基本上是从零做起,查看文献关于铜及其氧化物的XRD数据,觉得纷繁复杂,无力整理出比较完备的数据。 特在此请教各位大神帮忙,希望得到铜单质及其氧化物的所有晶型的XRD标准数据,或者PDF卡编号。 希望大神们给予帮助! 万分感谢! 附图为本人在小木虫其它帖子里截图数据,备各位参考。 求助无机晶体的c... 求一能用的Fin... SQUID变温磁... Fullprof... 求大家帮忙分析电... 织构取向线的密度... 【求助】有一个双...
SSi(hkl)=Sfcc(hkl)[1+exp(i /2)(h+k+l)]. SSi(hkl) will be zero if the sum (h+k+l) is equal to 2 times an odd integer, such as (200), (222). [h+k+l=2(2n+1)] SSi(hkl) will be non-zero if (1)(h,k,l) contains only even numbers and (2) the sum (h+k+l) is equal to 4 times an integer. [h+k+l=4n] Shkl will be non-zero if h,k, l all odd: Diamond Lattice
XRD pattern of copper (JCPDS No. 003–1018), Cu5Zn8 alloy …
This result indicated the typical face-centred cubic (fcc) crystalline structure with Cu and Zn atoms. The other XRD results also showed 2pp at 2θ of 43° and 50° for CuZn [63], Cu3Zn [64],...
X-ray diffraction pattern (Cu K a-radiation) of copper nanoparticles.
XRD results of Cu thin film on polyimide tape shows the presence of polycrystalline facecentered cubic (fcc) Cu planes of (111), (200), and (220) at 2θ of 43.3˚, 50.46˚and 74.06˚, which...
XRD pattern of a pure Cu target | Download Scientific Diagram
XRD pattern in Fig. 2 of the Cu target represents three characteristics peaks observed at 43.8°, 50.9° and 74.6° that referred to (111), (200) and (220) planes of Cu, respectively.
【材科基干货】第07期:面心立方晶胞(FCC)知识点全解析,图 …
FCC,即面心立方晶格(Face Center Cubic),是晶体结构的一种,其原子结构如图1所示。 如图2所示,位于顶点上的原子1~8属于该晶胞的部分为1/8,位于面上的原子9~14属于该晶胞的为1/2,故晶胞中原子数: 03原子半径. 如图3所示,位于面对角线上的三个原子相切,(面心上的原子与四个顶点处的原子均相切)从5-7号原子的距离相当于四个半径,所以,原子半径为: 04 配位数. 如图4所示,与12号原子相距最近且距离相等的有2、3、5、7、9、10、13、14、16、17 …
Comparison of stacking fault probabilities for shock compressed fcc metals as a function of volume compression. Stacking fault probabilities are determined from analysis of in situ x-ray diffraction measurements in the shocked state. Copper results are from the present work and gold and silver results are from Refs. [18] and [15], respectively.
X-ray diffraction is one of the most important characterization tools used in solid state chemistry and materials science. XRD is an easy tool to determine the size and the shape of the unit cell for any compound. Powder Diffraction Methods is useful for …
化学还原法合成铜纳米粒子,Transactions of Nonferrous ... - X-MOL
通过紫外可见光谱,x射线衍射(xrd),扫描电子显微镜(sem)和透射电子显微镜(tem)对合成的材料进行了研究。 UV-Vis光谱显示在569 nm处有一个CuNPs等离子体激元峰,在485 nm处有另一个Cu2O峰。