500+ Free SLP Final Consonant Deletion ( FCD ) Materials, Games ...
FreeSLP offers tons of virtual SLP materials for the Final Consonant Deletion sounds. To help target FCD sounds, we have created FCD Tic-Tac-Toe, Connect 4, Virtual Flashcards, Virtual Progression Cards, Battleship, Spot-It, Candy Land, Soccer, Painting, and more! We also have tons of free no-prep downloadable FCD sound materials.
Final Consonant Deletion | Activities, Words, and Goals
Final consonant deletion is when a child leaves the last sound off of words. These activities will help a child learn to use final consonants.
Final Consonant Deletion Minimal Pairs for Speech Therapy
Get BOTH printable and digital versions of minimal pairs cards for final consonant deletion to use with speech therapy activities! Open-ended and versatile so you can use them for a variety of activities to target the phonological process of final consonant deletion.
FCD Boom Cards - Free SLP
Practice words multiple times with our 3, 5, and 10 check box options! Practice target sounds at the word, phrase, sentence, and story levels. Select words in the initial, medial, and final positions! Set the amount of time you want to practice your artic words, and then see how many practice words you can say before spaceship reaches the finish!
FCD Cards - LessonPix
Final Consonant Deletion Cards. Open syllable examples along with two or three FCD practice words to relate to the open syllable example.
Final Consonant Deletion Speech Packet - Articulation Activities
This packet is for speech therapy to target final consonants (P, B, T, D, K, G, M, N, S, and Z) to eliminate the phonological process of final consonant deletion. It includes a word list, minimal pairs, flashcards, interactive books and more to target these consonants from isolation to …
Final Consonant Deletion Multiple Oppositions - LessonPix
Load these pictures into your tray to recreate and customize this material. FCD Multiple Opposition Pairs x10 (5 words each; 50 words) You can save a tray or load previously saved trays here.
Final Consonant Deletion Visual Slide Teaching Resources - TPT
These FCD cards can target at word, phrase or sentence levels. Move the Winter, Valentines or St. Patricks day object out of the picture and either state the picture name or slide it and put it into the sentence. There are 3 small pictures to serve as a visual, to count down productions.
Final Consonant Deletion Freebie - Speech Therapy Final Consonant ... - TPT
-24 FCD Dot and Say Activities, Levels 1 and 2 Want MORE Final Consonant Deletion than this worksheet? Click below for our comprehensive speech packet for final consonant deletion!
Final Consonant Deletion Speech Activity | Therapy Source
2018年8月28日 · Practice materials that engage your students are a critical element of successful treatment in any speech-language pathology classroom. This fun (and free!) final consonant deletion speech activity has twenty pages of minimal error pairs and pictures that will surely do the trick! How It Works.