Continuity Resources | FEMA.gov
2023年12月15日 · Search below for Continuity documents, or view a list of authorities and references, such as Federal Continuity Directives. This document establishes a continuity …
This FCD expands upon federal continuity planning requirements introduced in PPD-40, National Continuity Policy; Executive Order (EO) 13961, Governance and Integration of Federal …
Field Change Documents (FCDs), relating to alterations to the assured design documents issued for permanent and temporary project systems and facilities. This procedure applies when the …
(1) FCD-1 establishes the framework, requirements, and processes for development of continuity programs by executive departments and agencies. It specifies and defines the required …
United States federal government continuity of operations
Continuity of Operations (COOP) is a United States federal government initiative, required by U.S. Presidential Policy Directive 40 (PPD-40), to ensure that agencies are able to continue …
Emergency Planning - OPM.gov
The Federal Continuity Directive 1 (FCD 1) defines COOP as “an effort within the Executive Office of the President and individual Departments and Agencies to ensure that essential functions …
This Directive establishes the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) policy, responsibilities, and requirements regarding the Department’s continuity programs. This …
Federal Continuity Directive, FCD-1 - OMB 1660-0137
2024年8月27日 · Organizations must identify and prioritize their essential functions, using the methodology outlined in FCD 2, and document them in its continuity plan. These essential …
This new FCD-1 establishes minimum continuity standards for D/As to incorporate into their daily operations to ensure seamless and immediate continuation of essential functions.
Why do we need a COOP Plan? - HHS.gov
Federal Continuity Directive 1: Federal Executive Branch National Continuity Program and Requirements (FCD-1, signed January 17, 2017) - establishes the framework, requirements, …