Use HFTA to get a better understanding of how the surrounding terrain impacts your station. Use HFTA when determining your tower location and antenna heights. HFTA takes ground …
HFTA is a ray-tracing program designed to evaluate the effect of foreground terrain on the elevation pattern of up to four multi-element HF monoband Yagis in a stack. See Chapter 3 in …
Introduction to HFTA – High Frequency Terrain Assessment and …
2021年11月7日 · Use HFTA for planning an HF station scientifically. It can assist with determining the optimal antenna location and height. HFTA takes ground elevation data, frequency, and …
High Frequency Terrain Analysis with Adrian, VE7NZ - YouTube
Join us May 17th @ 7pm PST for a live presentation on HFTA (High Frequency Terrain Analysis) with Adrian Stimpson, VE7NZ
HFTA •Uses terrain profile data to analyze reflection and diffraction of HF signals and generate a gain vs. elevation graph for an antenna •Profile data files are ASCII text. Example •Uses ray …
Presentation | High-Frequency Terrain Assessment - VE7SCC
2022年4月19日 · In this presentation, Adrian VE7NZ, will show you how to use ARRL’s HFTA software to answer these questions and more. Examples will be shared including excerpts …
自由现金流速算 发现很多朋友不会计算 自由现金流 ,或者不知道 …
2021年1月29日 · 首先, 自由现金流 的定义: Free cash flow is the Cash generated by the business to pay DEBT and EQUITY holders after investing for future growth。 自由现金流 ≈ 经 …
知识打卡 | OCF、FCFF、FCFE傻傻分不清 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2021年8月25日 · 学习财务管理或者是公司理财时,关于FCFF、FCFE的公式,已困扰学生们多年了,但由于我们之前很少考察到FCFF和FCFE的具体计算,所以我们对此问题没有进行深究。 …
Fractura colli femoris (FCF) - Metodebok
2024年11月4日 · Fractura colli femoris (FCF) Pertrokantær femurfractur (PTFF) Fascia iliaca compartment blokkade ; Proksimale hamstringsrupturer; Epifysiolyse caput femoris ; Femur …
2024年12月3日 · 1: Fraktur colli femoris (FCF) som opereres med skruer (Olmedskruer) eller hemiprotese (kunstig leddhode og pasientens egen leddskål). 2: Per- eller subtrokantær …