FCM 36 - Wikipedia
The FCM 36 or Char léger Modèle 1936 FCM, was a light infantry tank designed for the French Army prior to World War II. It had a crew of two and was equipped with a short 37mm main armament and a 7.5mm coaxial machine gun.
FCM 36 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
FCM 36是法国用于第二次世界大战中的一种双人坦克,使用单人炮塔 [3] 。同时,它也是一种步兵支援坦克。安装了一门短管37mm火炮和一门同轴机枪,使用柴油机供给动力。值得注意的是,它还是法国第一种投入量产的使用柴油发动机的坦克。 [2]
FCM 36 - Tank Encyclopedia
2022年5月28日 · Although relatively unknown, the FCM 36 was one of the French Army’s light tanks used during the battles of May and June 1940. Technically very advanced compared to other French vehicles of the type, it proved its effectiveness during a victorious counter-attack at Voncq in early June 1940.
坦克救不了法兰西(二):令人哭笑不得的FCM-36 - 知乎
fcm公司最终于1936年完成了新坦克的定型工作,取名为fcm-36。 该坦克长4.46米,宽2.14米,高2.2米,重12.35吨。 该坦克颇为前卫地使用了焊接车体技术及倾斜装甲设计,装甲厚度为40毫米,标准乘员2人。
FCM.36 | War Thunder Wiki
Introduced in Update 1.75 "La Résistance", the FCM.36 compares more so to the H.35 tank with similarily poor firepower, but the FCM.36 has better protection with 40 mm sloped armour all-around. The FCM.36's well-sloped armour makes it a tad beneficial for long-range combat, but the underperforming gun makes the FCM.36 act more like a shield ...
法国第一台量产的柴油机坦克——FCM36 - 哔 ... - 哔哩哔哩
2023年10月25日 · 位于土伦的地中海锻造与造船公司(FCM)在生产坦克方面有一些经验,在1921年的时候建造了战争巨兽——Char 2C,还参与过Char B1的开发。 这次设计FCM36,交给了Bourdot工程师,他设计了一种悬挂——Char B。
FCM 36 light tank (1936)
FCM stands for Forges & Chantiers de la Méditerrannée. It was an old renown shipbuilder of Toulon, laying the keel of dozens of dreadnoughts, cruisers and destroyers for the needs of the Mediterranean fleet. When Hotchkiss first proposed in 1935 to mass-produce a simple and cheap infantry tank, the Army turned to others contractors to compete.
坦克科普:FCM 36 - 哔哩哔哩
2023年8月7日 · FCM 36 是法国用于第二次世界大战中的一种双人坦克,使用单人炮塔。同时,它也是一种步兵支援坦克。安装了一门短管37mm火炮和一门同轴机枪,使用柴油机供给动力。
FCM36: Ahead of its Time - Tank Archives
2016年5月29日 · The FCM 36 was the least lucky French tank created in the interbellum period. Its design was progressive: it was the first tank with sloped armour to be put into production. While other French tanks were put together with bolts or rivets, FCM made its hull welded.
FCM 36 (Char leger Modele 1936 FCM) - Military Factory
2017年4月12日 · French Army authorities granted the type adoption in July of 1936 with the designation "FCM 36" assigned. Its formal designation was "Char leger Modele 1936 FCM". 100 initial vehicles were ordered by the French War Ministry as war clouds loomed over Europe amidst Hitler's rise to power and consolidation of the government and military.