FCM F1 - Wikipedia
The FCM F1 was a French super-heavy tank developed during the late Interbellum by the Forges et Chantiers de la Méditerranée (FCM) company. Twelve were ordered in 1940 to replace the char 2C, but France was defeated before construction could begin, a wooden mock-up being all that was finished.
Char 2C - Wikipedia
The char 2C, also known as the FCM 2C, was a French post WWI heavy tank landship, later considered a super-heavy tank. [1][page needed] It was developed during World War I but not deployed until after the war. It was, in total volume or physical dimensions, the largest operational tank ever made. [2][page needed] Ten tanks were built in 1921.
Char 2C - Tank Encyclopedia
2021年6月5日 · Char FCM 2C, the French superheavy tank of 1922. Only ten were manufactured by the Mediterranean naval yards, on an initial order from 1917.
Char de Bataille FCM - Tank Encyclopedia
2020年10月1日 · The FCM Char de Bataille prototype was a 6.50 meters-long, 2.52 m high, 2.05 m wide tank. It was the longest and highest, but also the narrowest and lightest of the four Char de Bataille designs, though, with a weight of 15,640 kg, it still exceeded the requirements of the program by over two and a half tons.
FCM 2C super heavy tank (1921)
The Char 2C was a French super heavy breakthrough tank built by Forges & Chantiers de la Mediterrannee, a naval yard in 1918 to breach the Hindenburg line. They were still in service in WW2, and remained the world's heaviest tank in service until the Jagdtiger of 1944
坦克故事 FCM F2 超重型坦克 - 哔哩哔哩
FCM F2坦克是法国为主导于2009年开始研制,2019年定型的实验级坦克。 到目前为止也只有4辆FCM F2坦克被生产出,分别属于法国、英国、西班牙和意大利。 每辆FCM F2坦克都有着不同的细节,但无可否认的是她在火力、机动与防护之间的绝对平衡。 FCM F2坦采用无人炮塔设计,这使她的炮塔看起来比一些同级重型坦克小了许多。 但她那双联装140mm口径52倍径滑膛炮能确保在2000米的距离击穿同级重坦的弱点的情况下保证足够的毁伤。 而由车长直接控制的无人机 …
French FCM Char 2C Tank 1921-40 - Mike's Research
2022年8月28日 · The French Char 2C tank was designed during the last years of WWI and was originally planned to be a super heavy "breakthrough" tank for the big offensive of 1919 which never materialized. After the war, only ten Char 2C tanks were built during the early 1920s and it was the only super-heavy tank ever…
FCM F1 Super Heavy Tank Project - Military Factory
2019年6月26日 · The French FCM F1 (FCM = " Forges et Chantiers de la Mediterranee") was a super heavy tank class vehicle that entered development just prior to World War 2 when signs of conflict became increasingly apparent across Western Europe.
FCM 2C Heavy Breakthrough Tank - GlobalSecurity.org
FCM 2C Heavy Breakthrough Tank. The only heavy breakthrough tank of the French army. It was developed from the autumn of 1916. In 1919, FCM manufactured 10 units.
FCM Char 2C Heavy Tank / Super-Heavy Tank - Military Factory
2018年3月3日 · Detailing the technical specifications, development, and operational history of the FCM Char 2C Heavy Tank / Super-Heavy Tank including pictures. The global defense reference actively compiled since 2003