Final Cut Pro 7 - Technical Specifications - Apple Support
Create change lists from 2 XML exports from Final Cut Pro. Use Cinema Tools databases for relinking of EDLs with 2K and 4K media in Color. Include timecode and keycode in the same list. Support for 35mm 3-perf, 35mm 4-perf, and 16mm-20 and mixed film formats. View feet and frames in Timeline. View keycode and ink number overlays on video in ...
为什么 Final Cut Pro 7 会成为国内业界标准的视频剪辑软件? - 知乎
FCP 7当年市场定位比Avid设置的门槛低,是瞄准家庭个人用户(具体可见FCP为一次性销售,Avid为年度Lisence制),非电影剪辑,所以在休闲业余这块抢了市场先机,当年PR也是瞄准这块市场,但是太Casual了,所以稍逊FCP。
Transition to Final Cut Pro from Final Cut Pro 7 - Apple Support
2024年11月22日 · Learn about making the transition to Final Cut Pro from Final Cut Pro 7. Before you update to Final Cut Pro, create backups of your files in case you need them later. Consider completing any active projects before moving to Final Cut Pro.
Final Cut Pro for Mac - Apple
Final Cut Pro features breathtaking performance and efficiency on Mac computers with Apple silicon. Tap into superfast unified memory shared across the CPU, the GPU, and the Apple Neural Engine to play back more high-resolution video streams and render your movie in record time. The tools you need. From start to finishing.
Final Cut Pro 7 - Apple Inc.
The first choice of professional editors worldwide, Final Cut Pro delivers high-performance digital nonlinear editing, native support for virtually any video format, and professional-level extensibility and interoperability. Its workflow extends through the other Final Cut Studio applications and Final Cut Server for even more power.
Final Cut Studio (2009) - Apple Support
2025年3月3日 · Learn about the applications in Final Cut Studio (2009) and find out how to upgrade to Final Cut Pro. Final Cut Studio (2009) includes Final Cut Pro 7, Motion 4, Compressor 3.5, Soundtrack Pro 3, DVD Studio Pro 4, and Color 1.5. View documentation, tech specs, and more by clicking the links below. Have more questions?
解印:在 macOS Mojave 和 High Sierra 下运行 Final Cut Pro 7
从事影视行业的您可能时常需要使用 Final Cut Pro 7,与同事和其他机构合作剪辑综艺节目、电视剧或电影。 然而,自 2017 年 Apple 发布 macOS High Sierra (10.14) 以来,Final Cut Pro 7 被 macOS 封印,因而无法运行。 许多机构储备和购置了旧款 Mac 以运行 macOS Sierra (10.12) 和 Final Cut Pro 7。 好消息:来自美国的开发者蒂肖恩·科米尔发布了一款名为《解印》的应用程序,助力影视工作者在较新的 Mac 硬件上搭配 macOS Mojave (10.14) 或 macOS High Sierra …
Final Cut Pro 7 - 百度百科
Final Cut Pro 7 为超过 150 种滤镜和特效以及多重串流视频提供实时性能。 全新速度更改工具和 Alpha 过渡效果扩展支持提供了更多选项。 使用 SmoothCam 功能稳定晃动的镜头,同时保留摄像机标准动作。
Mac 版 Final Cut Pro - Apple (中国大陆)
专为 Apple 芯片进行的诸多优化,加上 Metal 引擎的强劲动力,让 Final Cut Pro 能剪辑更复杂的项目,并支持更大的帧尺寸、更高的帧率和更多特效,一切都快得惊人。 它可以充分利用 Mac Pro、Mac Studio 或 MacBook Pro 强悍的处理能力,将表现提升到新的 高度。 Final Cut Pro 能在配备 Apple 芯片的 Mac 电脑上发挥出令人惊叹的性能和能效表现。 借助中央处理器、图形处理器和 Apple 神经网络引擎通用的超快速统一内存,它能播放分辨率更高的视频流,并以极快的速 …
【微课】FCP7-基本使用流程 - 哔哩哔哩
Final Cut Pro 7基本使用流程:素材导入(窗口功能)、编辑加工、成片输出