FSC Public Search – Certificate Data - Forest Stewardship Council
Visit the new FSC Search (https://search.fsc.org/), currently in a public Beta version. The public Beta of the FSC Search is a pre-release version made available to the public for testing and feedback.
Certification - FSC United States
FSC certification ensures that products come from responsibly managed forests that provide environmental, social and economic benefits. For a helpful infographic explaining certification, please click this link: https://connect.fsc.org/certification/certificatio […]
FSC Certificate Database
The Global FSC Certificate Database contains the most up-to-date information on FSC certificates, both Forest Management and Chain of Custody. 1) Verify that a company is FSC certified. 2) Search for FSC certified companies or products.
Certification system | FSC Connect - Forest Stewardship Council
How does the certification system work? The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) sets standards for forestry operations that want to conform with sustainable forestry requirements including good management practices, and for producers and traders of forest products who want to source from these suppliers and communicate this to their customers.
Become Certified - FSC United States
Certifiers assess forest management and chain of custody operations using the FSC standards. Certifiers are independent of FSC and the companies they are auditing. This third-party verification is crucial to the integrity of the FSC system. …
Quickly search for certification and licensing information with keywords. If the desired records are not found or there are too many results, try using the advanced search. For more search options, try the advanced search by certification and licensing criteria, such as types, certification body, status, and/or Country/Area.
Forest Management Certification | FSC Connect
2024年1月1日 · There are ten principles that any forest operation must adhere to before it can receive FSC forest management certification. These principles cover a broad range of issues, from maintaining high conservation values to community relations and workers’ rights, as well as monitoring the environmental and social impacts of the forest management.
包装、纸箱不可或缺的认证——FSC认证 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2022年10月20日 · 当今世界,环保理念已经深入商业经济和产品当中,其中以木料、纸质为原料的包装及产品相关的环保认证,就属 FSC认证 最为知名! FSC认证类型. FSC森林认证,包括 FM森林经营认证 和COC产销监管链认证: 通过FSC认证后,企业有权在其产品上标明认证体系的名称和商标,即森林产品认证的标签。 FSC认证范围. CoC产销监管链认证的范围定义了场地、产品(根据产品类别和标签种类/原材料规格)、加工/经营活动,即按照认证标准进行评估和审 …
FSC-驗證介紹 :: 產品綠色驗證檢索平台 - 綠色貿易資訊網
FSC為非營利組織,其提供目標與規範標準之制定,其驗證的取得需透過第三方驗證單位,例如臺灣有SGS(臺灣檢驗科技股份有限公司)和BV(臺灣衛理國際品保驗證股份有限公司)、DNV(挪威商立恩威驗證股份有限公司)等驗證公司。 公司所在地不在臺灣的企業也可參考FSC提供的核可驗證單位清單,請參考 FSC夥伴清單. 驗證費用依照各驗證公司的作業,而有所不同,會依照企業的範疇 (範圍涵蓋多個廠區、有無外包廠商等等)以及本身的運作型態 (貿易商、加工 …
Chain of Custody Certification | Forest Stewardship Council
Chain of custody certification is how the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) verifies that forest-based materials produced according to our rigorous standards are credibly used along the product’s path from the forest to becoming finished goods.