Food Safety and Raw Milk | FDA - U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Today, 20 states explicitly prohibit intrastate raw milk sales in some form and 30 allow it. While the perceived nutritional and health benefits of raw milk consumption have not been...
Milk Guidance Documents & Regulatory Information | FDA
GAMS supports FDA’s Milk Safety Cooperative Program by providing assistance to state and local milk regulatory/rating agencies, the dairy industry and other interested parties in the safe...
Pasteurized Milk Ordinance Centennial | FDA
2024年12月2日 · Originating with the Standard Milk Ordinance in 1924, it significantly reduced the risk for foodborne illness in dairy products, thus strengthening consumer confidence in the safety of the milk...
eCFR :: 21 CFR Part 131 -- Milk and Cream
Milk is the lacteal secretion, practically free from colostrum, obtained by the complete milking of one or more healthy cows. Milk that is in final package form for beverage use shall have been pasteurized or ultrapasteurized, and shall contain not less than 8 1⁄4 percent milk solids not fat and not less than 3 1⁄4 percent milkfat.
Grade A Milk Search (GAMS)
Milk Guidance Documents & Regulatory Information System . FDA Security Warning. This warning banner provides privacy and security notices consistent with applicable federal laws, directives, and other federal guidance for accessing this Government system, which includes (1) this computer network, (2) all computers connected to this network, and ...
FDA releases draft guidance on how plant-based milk items …
2023年2月23日 · The US Food and Drug Administration issued draft guidance Wednesday on how companies should identify plant-based products that are marketed and sold as alternatives to dairy milk, such as...
FDA releases draft guidance on how to label plant-based milk - NPR
2023年2月23日 · Food and Drug Administration officials issued guidance that says plant-based beverages don't pretend to be from dairy animals – and that U.S. consumers aren't confused by the difference. Soy,...
Early test results show pasteurized milk with traces of H5N1 ... - CNN
2024年4月23日 · The FDA has been testing samples of pasteurized milk in which traces of the H5N1 virus have been detected, inoculating fertilized eggs with samples of the milk and waiting to see whether the...
Labeling of Plant-Based Milk Alternatives and Voluntary Nutrient ...
2023年5月1日 · The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or we) is reopening the comment period for the draft guidance entitled “Labeling of Plant-Based Milk Alternatives and Voluntary Nutrient Statements; Guidance for Industry,” which was announced in the Federal Register of February 23, 2023. We are taking this action in response to requests for an ...
21 CFR 1240.61 -- Mandatory pasteurization for all milk and milk ...
(a) No person shall cause to be delivered into interstate commerce or shall sell, otherwise distribute, or hold for sale or other distribution after shipment in interstate commerce any milk or milk product in final package form for direct human consumption unless the product has been pasteurized or is made from dairy ingredients (milk or milk ...