NFPA 13R, 13 and NFPA 14 differ slightly in how they each address requirements of the fire department connection. Below is a summary of requirements from the 2002-2019 editions of NFPA 13 and 13R, and the 2000-2019 edition of NFPA 14. www.meyerfire.com/blog. Always required. No requirement.
Required Size of FDC Pipe for Larger Risers? - MeyerFire
2021年4月5日 · NFPA 13 states that for hydraulically calculated sprinkler systems the fire department connection (FDC) pipe can be less than 4-inch diameter, but not less than the system riser. What size should the fire department connection feed pipe be …
#403 – Fire Department Connections: A Guide to FDC …
2022年1月27日 · Many buildings have a fire department connection (FDC) that allows firefighters to pump water into the building’s fire sprinkler and standpipe systems. If you are a building owner or their designated representative, you are responsible for maintaining this life-saving equipment.
The FDC: What Does it Stand for and What Does it Do?
2020年5月28日 · The FDC is the fire department connection portion of a fire sprinkler system or standpipe system. Its role in ensuring the effectiveness and success of a fire sprinkler system to suppress a fire is pivotal.
Fire Department connection according to NFPA 13
2019年8月28日 · What is Fire department connection (FDC)?! A connection through which the fire department can pump supplemental water into the sprinkler system, standpipe, or other water-based fire protection systems, furnishing water for fire …
Sizing of Fire Department Connections (FDC) - National Fire …
2023年2月6日 · The FDC is sized by one 2 ½ in. inlet for every 250gpm of system demand to a maximum system demand. The maximum number of inlets required on a building is based on whether the building is equipped throughout with automatic fire sprinklers.
Determining the Size and Threads of a Fire Department …
2018年6月12日 · You can get an accurate measurement of your FDC’s size in one of two ways. The first and best way is to measure the inside diameter of the inlet with no swivel attached. Another alternative is to measure the inside diameter …
Fire Department Connections: A Complete Guide - QRFS
Need to order an FDC? Here’s why and how to do it… You can find fire department connections (FDCs) in all buildings with standpipes and most with fire sprinkler systems.
An Engineer's Perspective on FDCs (Part I) - MeyerFire
2019年8月14日 · Sometimes a building-mounted FDC doesn’t make sense with major hazards; why risk firefighter safety in these cases? High-rises, for instance, require multiple FDCs due to the potential for falling glass that could injure firefighters or sever hoses.
The fire department connection: A primer - FireRescue1
2017年5月22日 · You might, however, encounter a FDC with a single-outlet when the FDC’s piping goes into a 3-inch or smaller riser. For standpipe systems with no fire sprinkler system, NFPA 14 requires each...