FDR即False Discovery Rate,错误发现率,是通过对差异显著性p值(p-value)进行校正得到的。 由于转录组测序的差异表达分析是对大量的基因表达值进行独立的统计假设检验,会存在假阳性问题,因此在进行差异表达分析过程中,采用了公认的Benjamini-Hochberg校正方法对原有假设检验得到的显著性p值(p-value)进行校正,并最终采用FDR作为差异表达基因筛选的关键指标。 一般取FDR<0.01或者0.05作为默认标准。 这两个指标的选取一般是按照经验值去筛选的,并非完 …
R语言如何做FDR校正 - 知乎专栏
1.什么是FDR校正? FDR (false discovery rate),即校正后的P值,中文一般译作错误发现率。 在转录组分析中,主要用在差异表达基因的分析中,控制最终分析结果中,假阳性结果的比例。 为什么要用FDR?在转录组分析中…
mafdr - MathWorks
Estimate positive false discovery rate for multiple hypothesis testing. FDR = mafdr(PValues) returns FDR that contains a positive false discovery rate (pFDR) for each entry in PValues using the procedure introduced by Storey (2002) [1]. PValues contains one p-value for each feature (for example, a gene) in a data set.
FDR(FDR ( false discovery rate) 错误发现率)_百度百科
FDR(false discovery rate),是统计学中常见的一个名词,翻译为伪发现率,其意义为是 错误拒绝(拒绝真的(原)假设)的个数占所有被拒绝的原假设个数的比例的期望值。
Benjamini–Hochberg Method | SpringerLink
The Benjamini–Hochberg method controls the False Discovery Rate (FDR) using sequential modified Bonferroni correction for multiple hypothesis testing. While the Bonferroni correction relies on the Family Wise Error Rate (FWER), Benjamini and Hochberg introduced the idea of a FDR to control for multiple hypotheses testing.
False Discovery Rate (FDR) | SpringerLink
The false discovery rate (FDR) is a statistical approach used in multiple hypothesis testing to correct for multiple comparisons. It is typically used in high-throughput experiments in order to correct for random events that falsely appear significant.
A practical guide to methods controlling false discoveries in ...
2019年6月4日 · We investigate the accuracy, applicability, and ease of use of two classic and six modern FDR-controlling methods by performing a systematic benchmark comparison using simulation studies as well as six case studies in computational biology.
FWER和FDR (False Discovery Rate) - 简书
2019年12月15日 · 这时一个新的概念——False Discovery Rate(FDR)被提出。 在介绍FDR之前,我们先引入False positive proportion——Fdp的概念。 Fdp的概念非常简单,就是在认为显著的检验中,第一类错误的比例。 定义如下: FDR的概念正是基于Fdp的,FDR为Fdp的期望,定义如下, BH procedure
False Discovery Rate - Columbia Public Health
The authors explain mathematically how the FDR relates to the family-wise error rate (FWER), provide a simple example of how to use the FDR, and conduct a simulation study demonstrating the power of the FDR procedure compared to Bonferroni-type procedures.
R: Simple False Discovery Rate (FDR) Calculation
Simple False Discovery Rate (FDR) Calculation Description Using the Benjamini & Hochberg adjustment method, determine which variables are significant under repeated testing with a given dataframe of p values and an user defined "q" threshold. Usage simFDR(df, q = 0.05, sig_only = TRUE) Arguments
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