FEG Hi Power Review - AR15.COM
2010年8月11日 · The basic FN/Browning Hi Power platform, regardless of operating system or manufacturer, is small for a 9mm, lightweight, and less than beefy, so using +P ammo in any …
Magazines for a feg hi power > Browning > AR15.COM
2016年2月27日 · If the gun is a single action FEG Hi Power, even with the Smith and Wesson system of slide/frame/barrel interaction, it will accept any 9mm magazine that can be used in a …
FEG P9M 9mm/40SW Caliber Conversion****Range Report
2012年3月9日 · Here is a little info. I found a blog in 2004 or 2003 where the owner of one of the FEG .40 gave a range report. Hie stated the frame on his FEG.40 and Belgium 9mm looked to …
Bought a FEG Hi-Power (P9R), need info about mags. UPDATE I
2013年10月22日 · I have an FEG 9mm hipower. There are 2 types of frames on the FEGs one is a single action and one is a double action. My particular FEG is a single action and uses BHP …
FEG 9mm pistols. Are they any good? - AR15.COM
2009年9月6日 · The Hi Power is a gorgeous design and FEG does well rendering the design. The design is a time-tested platform with magazine capacity that rivals today's new wundernine …
FEG SMC 380 > Other - AR15.COM
2020年5月19日 · as well as a few more FEG PP’esque pistols including an AP9S, and an APK9S (9mm Kurz/.380:ACP) imported by Interarms, as well as an APK7S (7.65 Browning/.32 ACP) …
FEG .32acp Walther PP clone > Other - AR15.COM
2016年7月28日 · The FEG "AP-9S" is as PP sized pistol in either 9mm Mak or 9mm Kurz (.380 ACP) with a steel frame. The FEG "APK-9S is a shorter slide PPK/S sized pistol, again in …
FEG P9RK Magazines > Browning > AR15.COM
2008年9月2日 · Update: I was looking through my Midway USA catalogue and I actually found the mags that fit the P9R. Pro-Mag sells them and they are specifically made for the FEG P9R. …
2020年4月29日 · 9mm is cheap and plentiful here in Canada by the way.I don't know why ammo is so hard to find/expensive in the states. down in Canada right now older collectable hi …
FEG SMC-380 - AR15.COM
2017年7月29日 · The FEG PP copies have slightly larger slides and grip frames that reflect their lineage from military pistols that were originally chambered in 9mm Makarov, and the AP9M is …