FET protein family - Wikipedia
The FET protein family (also known as the TET protein family) [1] consists of three similarly structured and functioning proteins. [2]
Biochemical Properties and Biological Functions of FET Proteins
Members of the FET protein family, consisting of FUS, EWSR1, and TAF15, bind to RNA and contribute to the control of transcription, RNA processing, and the cytoplasmic fates of messenger RNAs in metazoa. FET proteins can also bind DNA, which may be important in transcription and DNA damage responses.
齐志、李丕龙、黄旭团队合作揭示FET家族融合致癌蛋白利用相分 …
2021年3月5日 · 作者利用带有荧光标记的 utp 对转录产物 rna 进行标记和分析,发现在多乘靶标位点附近形成的聚集体处的转录活性最高,这为 fet 融合蛋白通过相分离参与调控转录活性提供了体外因果性的证明(见图 1 )。
RNA targets of wild-type and mutant FET family proteins
2011年11月13日 · FUS, EWSR1 and TAF15, constituting the FET protein family, are abundant, highly conserved RNA-binding proteins with important roles in oncogenesis and neuronal disease, yet their RNA targets...
FET family fusion oncoproteins target the SWI/SNF chromatin …
2019年4月8日 · The FET family genes FUS, EWSR1, and TAF15 (also known as TLS, EWS, and TAF2N, respectively) encode RNA‐binding proteins (Fig 1 A) that are proposed to link transcription with the subsequent steps of RNA splicing, processing and transport 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, localized translation 6, and micro‐RNA processing 7.
FET family fusion oncoproteins target the SWI/SNF chromatin
Members of the human FET family of RNA-binding proteins, comprising FUS, EWSR1, and TAF15, are ubiquitously expressed and engage at several levels of gene regulation. Many sarcomas and leukemias are characterized by the expression of fusion oncogenes with FET genes as 5' partners and alternative tra …
齐志、李丕龙、黄旭团队合作揭示FET家族融合致癌蛋白利用相分 …
2021年3月10日 · fet(fus/ewsr1/taf15)融合蛋白可能是众多参与形成转录聚集体的转录因子中比较特殊的一部分。 FET蛋白家族的成员本身都是RNA结合蛋白,但是在很多肉瘤及白血病患者体内都发现了由于染色体易位导致的新融合蛋白的形成。
Insights into Molecular Diversity within the FET Family ... - PubMed
2023年11月1日 · The FET family proteins, which includes FUS, EWS, and TAF15, are RNA chaperones instrumental in processes such as mRNA maturation, transcriptional regulation, and the DNA damage response. These proteins have clinical significance: chromosomal rearrangements in FET proteins are implicated in Ewing fa …
EWS and FUS bind a subset of transcribed genes encoding …
2015年11月14日 · FUS (TLS) and EWS (EWSR1) belong to the FET-protein family of RNA and DNA binding proteins. FUS and EWS are structurally and functionally related and participate in transcriptional regulation and RNA processing.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: The Two Faces of the FUS/EWS/TAF15 Protein Family
FUS, EWS, and TAF15 form the FET family of RNA-binding proteins whose genes are found rearranged with various transcription factor genes predominantly in sarcomas and in rare hematopoietic and epithelial cancers. The resulting fusion gene products have attracted considerable interest as diagnostic and promising therapeutic targets.