Sin Unleashed: Difficulty & Seymour Mod Suite - Steam Community
2018年6月19日 · Experience FFX at a dramatically increased difficulty level. Two new difficulty mods to play through, each providing increased enemy difficulty, intense boss encounters, and challeng
Steam Community :: Guide :: "Untitled" Project X
2016年5月13日 · This is located in your Final Fantasy X/X-2 install directory. Running it will ensure that the mod's special gamepad functionality works on DirectInput-based controllers. It will also compensate if the game is incorrectly mapping buttons.
My Complete Mod List (With Links) - Steam Community
2016年5月27日 · Here is a list of the mods I have installed(and the order I installed them in). I will be working on a program to install mods(if Nexus doesn't beat me to it!) Links are all there as follows, along with full credits so long as you follow the links. This is just my mod selection, and will continue to update this as more mods are released. (Even from Nexus!!!) 1} …
Steam Community :: Guide :: Seymour Reborn Mod
2020年3月27日 · Play alongside Seymour as he wards off visions of the future and attempts to avoid his own corruption. Unlock Seymour as a playable character in Besaid, replacing
Steam Community :: Guide :: 【高画質化】ファイナルファンタ …
2019年3月2日 · 従来の背景高画質化MODよりも高画質で快適に遊べるMODがリリースされたので紹介も兼ねて解説していきます。 ...
Steam Community :: Guide :: Sin Reborn Difficulty Mod
2020年3月27日 · Experience FFX at the difficulty you want to. Two premade difficulty settings to play through, alongside custom options to forge your own challenge. Adjust enemy health, mana, and st
Steam コミュニティ :: ガイド :: "Untitled" Project X
This is located in your Final Fantasy X/X-2 install directory. Running it will ensure that the mod's special gamepad functionality works on DirectInput-based controllers. It will also compensate if the game is incorrectly mapping buttons.
Final Fantasy X/X-2 :: Special K - "Kaldaien's Mod"
Special K is an extensive game modifying framework allowing for various forms of in-depth tweaking of a game. The focus is primarily on the graphics pipeline but the tool also includes features such as input device blocking/configuring, window and volume management, enhancements for some of the in-game functionality of Steam, and more. On top of this the framework includes various game ...
Special K - "Kaldaien's Mod" - Steam Community
2017年5月11日 · The port seems pretty respectable, but does have DPI scaling and cursor / window management issues as well as no fullscreen mode. Additionally, the game includes audio assets for both US and JP regions, but offers the user no choice.
[NLD] [FFX/X-2] Farplane - Memory Editing Tool
Farplane is a tool used to edit the game's memory, allowing you to modify various thing such as your party's stats, inventory, equipment abilities, FFX-2 creature abilities and creature trapping. It also includes a bunch of debug options for both games, allowing for true invincibility, controlling enemies and much more. It also includes a shared AP booster for Final Fantasy X! For a full list ...