Cid Raines - Final Fantasy Wiki
Cid Raines is a non-player character in Final Fantasy XIII and Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, and one of the long line of characters named Cid in the Final Fantasy series. In Final Fantasy XIII , Raines is a Brigadier General who commands the colossal airship, the Lindblum , as he works for the Guardian Corps and is the commander of the ...
Cid - Final Fantasy Wiki | Fandom
In the Dawn of Souls and later remakes, Cid shows up in the city of Machanon, a city in the afterlife. Cid Haze is a creator of airships on the floating continent, from the village of Canaan. He transforms the sailing ship into an airship and later helps save the Light Warriors from Xande.
Cid Raines (boss) - Final Fantasy Wiki
Cid Raines is a boss in Final Fantasy XIII, and the first boss fought in the Fifth Ark. He is the only l'Cie fought in the game. In the first half of the battle, Raines switches between Offensive Shift, Defensive Shift, and Recovery Shift, which are the enemy equivalent of the Commando...
Cid(希德)、飞空艇、水晶与 陆行鸟,是 最终幻想 系列中的四大核心元素。 Cid这个名字贯穿着最终幻想全系列,在最终幻想全系列之中以不同人物出现,他是智慧的象征,往往同代表高科技的飞空艇一同登场,是引导主角的智者;飞空艇虽然表面上是交通工具,但在更深的层次里代表着人们对自由的向往,是一种希望的寄托;水晶则表示某种神秘的力量,蕴含着庇护世界,维持秩序平衡的强大能量;而陆行鸟则是可爱的代表了,有了小陆行鸟的加入让 最终幻想系列 更有魅力 …
西德·雷恩斯 - 百度百科
西德·雷恩斯,男,游戏《最终幻想XIII》及其衍生作品中的角色。 [1] 系列作品中与飞空艇有关的希德(西德),本作中作为圣府军骑兵队的队长,指挥着飞空艇“林德布姆”,虽然为圣府军的一员,但是却怀着有一天打倒圣府的意愿,暗中保护着路希们,但是他本身的身份也是一个谜团。 在游戏的中期也与玩家兵戎相见,这也是继FF12的希德与玩家对峙之后,再度出现西德与玩家为敌的桥段,不过这一次,西德却并非是反派。 [1] 西德·雷恩斯,男,游戏《最终幻想XIII》及其衍生 …
[XIII] How do I kill Cid Raines? : r/FinalFantasy - Reddit
2014年10月25日 · I start the battle with the paradigm MED/SEN/SYN, getting buffs with Sazh (Haste being the most important) and when I get all of them I switch to RAV/RAV/RAV to stagger Cid as soon as possible. When he's staggered, I switch to COM/RAV/COM to launch him and keep the launch on a loop to kill him quickly.
final fantasy 13 - What is the best strategy to defeat Cid Raines ...
2012年1月12日 · I'm trying to beat Cid Raines in Final Fantasy 13. He's the boss in the Fifth Ark. I've been really struggling to get a good strategy around his attacks, without much success. Usually, I sentry myself until I get all of the upgrades, attack him till I …
How do I beat Cid Raines? - Final Fantasy XIII Q&A for Xbox 360
2010年3月9日 · I beat cid first time in 2mins 58 sec with snow,vanille,hope. Before you go into battle put the 2 shrouds on if you have them (fortisol and aegisol) and have your active paradigm as Matador:...
How do I beat Cid Raines Easily Any Useful Tips On How To
2010年3月9日 · Start with Sab/Sen/Sen, get fully buffed and I think Cid has a few status weaknesses such as slow (he will cure in healing mode). Get prot/shell and offensive buffs up, then switch to com/rav/med...
A Final Fantasy XIII Walkthrough for Chapter 10: How to Beat Cid …
2010年4月21日 · Final Fantasy XIII: Chapter 10 - Cid Raines Okay, Cid is really quite hard to beat. Firstly, wait until you’ve at least got Haste on all of your characters before switching to Discretion or Diversity.