Major system upgrades for ARR? Help appreciated!
2013年8月31日 · Hello fellow gamers! I am interested in FF14, like the rest of you, but sadly my current system cannot run this game smoothly. So I was doing a little looking around neweggs …
How can we tell if Early Access is linked to account?
2013年8月30日 · Hey team, I finally got my code to go through and got my 12 digit PS3 code. I redeemed it from the playstation network and downloaded the client.
Early Access and Pre Order Items Giveaway!
2013年8月23日 · Well along with entry for you giveaway this will also be my formal introduction to this site. Though I have roamed it's information for quite a while.
Free Company - EMASS Looking for Raiders | FFXIV ARR Forum
2014年6月24日 · Everything Massive Timezone:All Region: NA Times of activity: Evenings/Weekends Age: 18+ Voicechat: Ventrilo Focus: PvE/Raiding Server: Diabolos...
Hi, coming back & looking for a new realm.
2014年10月21日 · I'm thinking about coming back to ff14, it's been about 4 months since I haven't played. With the release of 2.4 coming I want to come back to this wonderful game. I'm …
Free Company - Chaos Unbound - raiding | FFXIV ARR Forum
2013年12月24日 · While we hope to have fairly low attrition on raid numbers once established which will likely close open recruitment for all but truly exceptional players we are currently for …
Free Company - 『・・・iNTERNATiONAL☆fc・・・』
2013年9月1日 · Sorry for the delayed response, thanks for the invite guys happy to be apart of the guild. :) Also while they aren't apart of the forums yet I have a...
Zodiac Upgrade 2.5.1 Predictions | Page 2 | FFXIV ARR Forum
2015年2月19日 · I think the final relic will be i135, but the zodiac (i125) has 199 stats while the dreadwyrm (i135) has 205, iinm.