Buff - Final Fantasy XIV Online Wiki - FFXIV / FF14 Online …
2024年12月13日 · Buffs are status effects that can be applied to players or hostile creatures which have a beneficial impact on their combat capabilities. How these buffs are applied, how long they last, and in some cases how potent they are varies depending on the source of the buff.
状态参数 - 最终幻想XIV中文维基 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网络科 …
玩家可以使用道具(如: 恢复药 圣灵药)或某些技能回复体力。 使用魔法和部分能力需要消耗魔力。 版本 5.0 开始,魔力上限固定为10000(深层迷宫中的最大魔力值提升效果仍然生效)。 每3秒恢复一次魔力,战斗中为2%(治疗职业为2%+信仰收益)非战斗中固定为6%。 玩家可以使用道具(如: 以太药 圣灵药)或某些技能回复魔力。 制作力只有在玩家切换成 能工巧匠 职业时才会显示,并取代魔力条。 制作过程中使用制作技能会消耗制作力,制作力会在结束物品制作后 …
Final Fantasy XIV statuses
Statuses with an icon pointing upwards are positive statuses ("enhancements" or "buffs"), while icons pointing downwards are negative statuses ("enfeeblements" or "debuffs"). Statuses with a number affixed to the icon can stack up to a certain amount.
Status effects - Final Fantasy XIV Online Wiki - FFXIV / FF14 …
2024年5月26日 · Status effects are debuffs that can be applied to players or hostile creatures which have an adverse impact on their combat capabilities. How these debuffs are applied, how long they last, and in some cases how potent they are …
Buffs and Debuffs - Final Fantasy XIV Guide - Thonky.com
2022年6月21日 · Buffs and debuffs, also known as enhancements and enfeeblements, are effects that you can have during combat and other situations. Buffs are beneficial, and debuffs are detrimental. Buffs grant beneficial effects, such as healing over time, increased experience point gain, and so on.
FFXIV FC Buff list, How to get Actions and Rank requirements
2024年6月17日 · After creating or joining a Free Company (FC) in Final Fantasy XIV, you can start using Company perks and actions — often shorthanded as just ‘FC buffs.’. These benefits are available for the...
状态 - 最终幻想XIV中文维基 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网络科技有 …
玩家可以在战斗、任务等各种场合获得“状态”,给自身带来属性变化、增益、减益、换装等各种效果。 通过状态栏可以查看自身的正面和负面状态,将指针移到对应的状态图标上可以看到状态的说明来了解具体效果。 单一敌人可追加的状态上限为60个。 目标信息最多显示30个。 单一玩家可承接的状态上限为30个。 版本 5.3 大型团队副本的Boss等需多人挑战的敌人,其可追加的状态上限为200个。 目标的信息最多显示30个。 在目标信息的强化/弱化状态栏中当超过最大显示 …
Patch 7.2 Notes (Preliminary) | FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone
5 天之前 · It is with great pleasure that we present the preliminary patch notes for Patch 7.2─Seekers of Eternity. * Additions have been made to the patch 7.2 notes, which can now be viewed in their entirety.
Final Fantasy 14: Every Experience Boost and How to Get Them - Game Rant
2024年5月13日 · Buffs are positive status effects that are applied to your character, providing passive bonuses while they are active. While buffs are usually used to improve a character's abilities in combat,...
Experience - Final Fantasy XIV Online Wiki - FFXIV / FF14 Online ...
The buff provides a multiplicative 100% bonus to all sources of EXP, calculated after applying any other bonuses. For more information about Preferred Worlds, please refer to the Play Guide entry on population balancing. The buff was during the first day of early access for Stormblood as The Road to 60. EXP Bonus
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