FF Logs - Combat Analysis for FF
Welcome to FF Logs, a Web site that provides combat analysis for Square Enix's Final Fantasy XIV MMO. Record your combats, upload them to the site and analyze them in real time. Find out exactly what went wrong and discover what you need to do to fix it! Support Us On Patreon! Become a subscriber for as little as $2/month.
【FF14 PVP】7.1战场职业强度点评(包含改动内容)
ff14 7.1pvp水晶冲突段位赛职业推荐一图流速看(国际服7.16技改)
Customize+是一款可以自由调整骨骼尺寸位置角度等参数并实时应用于游戏内的使用插件,可以满足不同玩家的各种XP,UP只提供主观指导,如果对该插件满意请支持原作者:Risa。 视频讲解比较胎教,视频已换源在开头增加分段时间轴,请大家酌情选择观看内容。 部分地方因为是实况很多地方讲得比较口吃见谅。
NightmareXIV - GitHub
A collection of plugins made for Dalamud framework, built for Final Fantasy XIV game. Note: all listed plugins use either 100% original code or reuse open source code in a way that is permitted by source license.
【FF14】写给小白的基于6.0版本的MOD安装使用教程 - 线上游戏
2021年12月25日 · 如果游戏安装是是默认位置,tt会自动读取游戏数据,如果不是,则需要手动定位到FINAL FANTASY XIV\game\sqpack\ffxiv 这个文件夹并保存。 如果操作无误就可以看到tt正常运行了。
Elysia-ff/FFXIV_RotationHelper: Helps to practice DPS rotation. - GitHub
Helps to practice DPS rotation. Contribute to Elysia-ff/FFXIV_RotationHelper development by creating an account on GitHub.
Frontline | FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone
Frontline is a PvP challenge which engages three teams of adventurers, each team representing one of the three Grand Companies. Teams consist of up to 24 players in an alliance, allowing for a grand total of 72 players in a single battle.
PvP Guide | FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone
Face off against your fellow adventurers in exciting, fast-paced battles! PvP allows players to compete against one another in one of several unique instanced arenas. We have introduced a new PvP-specific battle system with the release of patch 4.0, making it easier than ever for newcomers to participate.
FF14 Jobs Tier List - Pro Tips - Overgear
2024年7月1日 · We’ve ranked each job, including two new jobs — Pictomancer and Viper, based on their performance in various activities, including dungeons, raids, PvP, and solo content. Read on to learn more about each job and which one would be the best fit for your playing style.