Scion Traveler's Jacket (TnF3) at Final Fantasy XIV Nexus
2021年8月1日 · Upscale of the Scion Traveler's Jacket to the Tight & Firm Gen. 3 body. You must credit Titan Firm for their work. Furthermore, this mod inherits the permissions of all other …
XIV Mod Archive
2023年3月26日 · TF Gen3 is a high end body mod with multiple ultra high res textures. It is recommended you have the hardware to push the load (recommended GTX1080ti equivalent …
Dragon Princess (TnF3) at Final Fantasy XIV Nexus - Nexus Mods
This mod replaces the Velveteen Bottoms and everything that shares a model with them with Nyaughty's Dragon Princess bottoms using the T&F3 body.
Tight&Firm Gen3 Mod Creator Resources - XIV Mod Archive
2023年3月24日 · Updated TF3 raw textures pack to TF 3.2.0 (files tab download). - Raw FBX files for animation targets as well as full rig for non-3DS users. Tool Documentation links can be …
Skelomae Custom Skeleton (with DevKit) - XIV Mod Archive
2024年8月4日 · The devkit's blend file also includes both a top and bottom seperated working version of the Bibo AND TnF3 bodies ontop of a full body to use for data transfers.
Dragon Princess (TnF3) - ff14 Mods
2023年8月11日 · This mod replaces the Velveteen Bottoms and everything that shares a model with them with Nyaughty’s Dragon Princess bottoms using the T&F3 body. It includes options to use skin material B (the original T&F3 one), D (using Illyriana’s skin compatibility patch), or F (using my skin compatibility patch). This content was uploaded by website visitors.
FF14 Anamnesis 使用教程 | Jckling's Blog
2022年3月23日 · CMTool 的教程可以看: FF14 CMTool 使用教程。 首先需要安装 64 位的运行时 .NET 6.0 Desktop Runtime x64,如果提示已安装更高版本的运行时则可以忽略。 和 CMTool 同一组织的开源软件,直接上 Github 下载: imchillin/Anamnesis。 下载图示中的 zip 压缩包,并解压到想要安装的目录。 2022-03-24 版本解压之后包含以下文件,双击 Anamnesis.exe 启动工具。 **注意:**该工具同样需要在进入游戏之后再启动,否则显示等待进程。 比 CMTool 疯狂弹窗 …
Peacelover's Shirt (TnF3) at Final Fantasy XIV Nexus - Nexus Mods
2022年2月9日 · Upscale of the Peacelover's Shirt to the Tight & Firm Gen. 3 Body, all sizes included. Also includes options using skin material B (if you have a Gen. 3 body as your base …
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Boarskin Ringbands (TnF3) at Final Fantasy XIV Nexus - Nexus …
2022年2月9日 · Upscale of the Boarskin Ringbands and everything that shares a model with them to the Tight & Firm Gen. 3 Body. Includes options using skin material B (if you have a Gen. 3 …
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