Polearms - Final Fantasy XV Guide - IGN
Found: The Drain Lance II is an upgraded version of the Drain Lance. See the side quest Cid Sophiar, Master Mechanic for details. Mythril Lance
Precision Lance - Final Fantasy 15 (FFXV) Wiki
Precision Lance is a polearm. It increases the wielder's critical rate by 10%. Precision Lance can be obtained by exchanging 120,000 medals for it at the Totomostro's prize exchange in Altissia. It can also be found as a collectable in the Daurell Caverns maze in Chapter 15. It can be sold to...
Dragoon Lance - Final Fantasy 15 (FFXV) Wiki
Dragoon Lance is a polearm. Dragoon Lance can be obtained as a reward for completing the Dreadful Legend quest. It can also be found as a collectable at the treasure spot south of Aracheole Stronghold and northwest of the Cauthess Coernix Station during Chapter 15. It can be sold to shops for 6,000 gil.
A Better Drain Lance II - Final Fantasy XV Guide - IGN
To upgrade your Drain Lance II to III, you need a bundle of coeurl whiskers. Those can naturally be obtained by defeating coeurls - found in areas like southwestern Duscae near Taelpar Rest area,...
Drain Lance - Final Fantasy 15 (FFXV) Wiki
Drain Lance is a polearm. When wielded by Noctis, it can absorb elemental energy from enemies when delivering the finishing blow. Drain Lances can be obtained from Magitek Axemen. A Drain Lance is earned through the course of the Ill Tidings main quest. The Drain Lance can be upgraded to Drain...
Final Fantasy XV Weapon Upgrades: where to find the weapon …
2016年12月15日 · Where to find all those pesky weapon upgrade items so Cid can upgrade the Drain Lance, Auto Crossbow, Bioblaster, Circular Saw and more.
[Top 5] Final Fantasy XV Best Polearms (And How To Get Them)
2022年11月17日 · Drain Lance III full details: The most powerful version of a unique polearm crafted with Insomnian technology. It absorbs the elemental powers of defeated foes.
Drain Lance 3 early as possible! Overpowered Early Guide!
2016年12月15日 · To go along with the guide I did on getting the Ultima Blade early I have made a video on getting the Drain Lance up to +3 very early! While the power and effects aren't quite as good as the Ultima Blade it is still a really powerful lance …
A Better Drain Lance II Sidequest | FFXV|Game8
2022年12月27日 · This page contains information for completing the Sidequest A Better Drain Lance II in Final Fantasy XV (FFXV, FF15). Read on for more information about the Sidequest and our strategies for completing it!
Final Fantasy XV Comrades Weapons Guide: all weapons plus
2018年12月12日 · Remodels from the Ice Lance with 99 Ice Elemental. Has the Charge Strike: Clearout and Warp Combo: Blizzaga skills. Daggers in FF15 Comrades: Paired armaments efficient for striking swiftly.